Here’s a sneak peek pic of Phoebe and I yesterday at our new house! This has been a dream in the making and manifesting for years and now it has come true! I felt inspired to share a quick video for you from our soon-to-be back deck with epic mountain and valley views! Watch here!
As you know I launched the 50k in 5 months break free sessions a few weeks back. Since then, I’ve been on the phone connecting with go getter’s who are serious about putting a fork in their f’in money story while building their dream biz foundation.
I felt inspired to share some awesome exciting news with you!
I’ve put together a super special program with you in mind.
It’s called the “Stick a Fork in It and Build it” 6-Month Coaching Program!
This is a 6 month coaching program where you receive BonusLive Master Mind Calls + my infamous End Yo’ Money Drama Course (immediate access) + my Healthy Wealthy Biz School (12 weeks of weekly coaching and accountability with me).This way you put a fork in your money drama and learn the foundations of how to make money online while receiving the support and accountability from me as your coach.
The investment is $1497 in full starting in April/early May.Or a payment plan of 6 payments X $333.
If you know your Money Drama is blocking you from building your Profitable, Portable and Playful Biz and you know you need to build your core foundation of your biz then this hot new 6 month coaching program is for you!
Enroll today! Full Pay or Payment Plan
In this week’s new feature article you’ll learn the Key to Feeling Financially Free and Secure!
Have a great weekend!
Abundantly yours,

I am loved. I am safe. I am secure.

Feature Article
How to Feel Financially Free and Secure
By Amanda Moxley
Money is currency, currency is energy.Your net worth does not equal your WORTH. The key to feeling financially free and secure is filling the whole in your soul that tells you that you are separate from love. Until you fill that whole in your soul with LOVE from within – no amount of money in your possession will ever make you feel safe and secure.
Ask yourself.. What do I think having a certain amount of money will FEEL like? You might hear the words; secure, safe, loved and free.
So how can you begin to create more experiences every day that make you feel loved, safe, secure and free? Make a list of 10 ways you can FEEL the way you think having a ton of money will FEEL like. Then act on them!
Sitting your bunz down on your meditation pillow for 10 minutes a day every day will directly connect you with your SOURCE of love, safety, freedom, peace, abundance, harmony, security and freedom.
Are you meditating every day?
If no, do yourself a favor and start now!
It’s human nature to feel separate from the Divine and we all have some “issues in our tissues” but God/LOVE/Universe/Source is WAY bigger than your issues.
Entrepreneurship is the ultimate self development course in which there are no back doors and all roads ultimately lead back to GOD/Source. We as humans are here on Earth School to remember who we are as Divine Spiritual Beings!
Your money stuff is bringing you back to Love/God/Source. Get reconnected to Source and you will find unlimited abundance and infinite love and YES financial freedom!
You got this!
JFDI* (Just F’in Do it!)

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