“My clients getting results and taking action is my biggest priority! I deeply care about my clients lives and success!”
Amanda Moxley
Here’s a glimpse of what it’s like working with Amanda Moxley… (from her happy clients over the past 13 years as a coach!)
Before working with Amanda Moxley, I was stuck launching something in my business several times a year. My business was thriving but I had little time and freedom. I felt stuck in a business model that wasn’t sustainable. I couldn’t keep working like that.
Amanda provided the strategy and structures of how to run a large scale event as well as the critical mindset pieces and the belief that I could bring together my tribe for a successful event. Amanda’s support and guidance was priceless and helped me host my first event with over 140 women from all over the world including 10 countries in gorgeous Miami, Florida where we sold out my 12 month Mentorship Program and provided well over a 6 figure pay day for me AND now I have more freedom and less stress in my business.
Amanda cares more for her clients than any coach I know. She’s real, powerful, and exactly what you need to create a free and abundant life. Carolin Soldo
My life is practically unrecognizable now, from where I was that fateful day I decided to join HWBS. It has been huge for me to step up and invest in myself in such a big way, to be held accountable for my desires and identifying and implementing action steps, and to have someone in my corner rooting for me all the way.
Through working with Amanda and with the help of all my sisters in the online forums for each group program, I have gotten clear that my dream is much bigger, and I’m now working as a Coach myself, in hopes of touching many more lives and inspiring creativity, abundance and health in the lives and businesses of artful entrepreneurs. I am now working with women to craft THEIR big visions, helping them get clarity on their paths and dipping into their big dreams, and I am truly loving the work I do. I am so grateful to Amanda all the help she has given me. I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without her support, butt-kicking and cheerleading! Laurie Coyle
Amanda Moxley is one powerful, brilliant, and loving woman. The messages she brings in and her firm, yet juicy and compassionate leadership and coaching just transformed my relationship with money, my business and ultimately my life. She is a living, breathing embodiment of the truth she teaches, and the miracles that can happen when you live on purpose, in your power, and without hesitation.
Within two weeks of starting her End Yo’ Money Drama course, money ($1,200) and clients began flowing with ease and grace like never before. If you struggle to own your worth, ask for what you need, or bring a steady flow of money and abundance into your life, run toward Amanda right this moment. She will give you everything you need to heal, shift and transform your life and business. Deep love and gratitude for her. Lindsay Hinton
I ditched my 15 year day job and stable income just weeks before meeting Amanda.
She helped me blow past my fear storm of leaving security and showed me how to hustle. As a result I wrote my new book in 86 days, quadrupled my mailing list, wrote 2 new programs and had my highest sales day ever. That one day was more money than the prior 4 months added together. Jessica Wyman
Contemplating being in the exact same spot I am a year from now was not okay. Investing in myself and my future has truly empowered me. Amanda has an amazing energy and a true gift that is both inspirational and wildly knowledgeable and informative. The group of women involved in this group are high energy and ready to kick some butt. I am psyched for our Journey to Paradise! Laura Smith
Amanda has such a beautiful way of talking about our money story. We all have limiting beliefs around money, and she calls us out in a way that is loving and innovate yet firm.
She provides such an awesome container of support through this course. I love her purposeful, direct, yet down to earth style! After taking her course I have a daily practice around transforming my wealth consciousness to continue up-leveling myself in every way. Heather Jernigan
Working with Amanda completely altered the course of my life. When I started the Healthy Wealthy Biz School I was a struggling intuitive photographer lacking the ability to fully understand my value by only charging $250 for my photo sessions.
As you can imagine, investing in myself was really difficult to do based on what I was earning every month. But I’m so glad I did because by diving into the HWBS I was able to reformat my business and increase my rates tenfold. I now offer Photographic Branding and Transformational Coaching to elevate conscious entrepreneurs so they can attract more clients and thrive on every level.
I’ve had such amazing success with my clients and as such I’m now well on my way to making 6 figures. I highly recommend hiring Amanda, don’t delay on creating the life and business of your dreams. Heather Pennell
Before Amanda’s End Yo Money Drama Program I was literally petrified when it came to my financial future. I had spent all of my savings, was starting up a new business and finishing my last semester of college while struggling between feelings of indifference and gut-wrenching fear over my money.
As a pre-med and anthropology major, I had no idea how to balance a spread sheet let alone set solid financial goals for myself and my business. The End Yo Money Drama Program catapulted me from a world of lack to excitement and abundance.
The group atmosphere was amazing and the calls were 60-minute explosions of inspiration and amazing tools that I use every day.Now I love handling my money and am confidently watching my business grow. Trine Vik
Before coaching with Amanda, I was struggling to get the money & the confidence to manifest my dream of moving to California. I signed up for Amanda’s Lean, Lovin’ Money Making Machine Program on an intuitive hit, and I was blown away by my results!
I set the intention to manifest $10K and move to California by the time the program was finished. I brought in 8.5K in the first month! I had NEVER made that much money before in one month, and the coolest thing was how easily and gracefully I brought it in. I was juicing, doing yoga, buying myself luxurious skin care products, getting massage and taking care of myself like I had never done before. Amanda’s positivity, her commitment to high frequency living and go-getter guidance was EXACTLY what I needed. I completed the move & found the perfect house in Santa Barbara. PLUS, my business since then has skyrocketed! I’m now making 8-10K per month regularly. I can’t endorse Amanda’s wealth, business & health coaching enough! Kara Gilligan
I decided to invest my time, energy and financial resources to work with Amanda as my mentor simply because she reflects the exact key pieces that were a gap in my business and life.
She’s all the way systems which I need, yet she understands the need to enjoy your life, and have fun while making money. She’s real and transparent, share’s best practices and already is holding me accountable to what I say is next for me. Amanda is right there in the trenches, balancing family life and a full time thriving business, yet has a get it done attitude that is unmatched and suits my style of learning- fun, fresh and financially focused. Natasha Allrich
I am so excited to have joined forces with Amanda and her Freedom Based Lifestyle Coaching, Journey to Paradise. Her guidance is a combination of spirituality and business ethics. She really understands the importance of focus, clarity, scheduling and determination. Her coaching is extremely positive and helps me to move beyond the limited beliefs that I hold when it comes to creating a profitable business. I am looking forward to creating my first 6 figure year under Amanda Moxley’s business guidance. Terri A. Heiman
How I adore you and working with you! I have seen HUGE transitions since working with you! Working with the right coach makes all the difference! I had worked with and signed up for so many other coaches. However, it was only after I began to work with you that I truly made any headway!
The first time I worked with you, I was shocked to see my income go to over $3000.
Then I signed up for your next program and saw even larger gains. I believe the biggest part of it is that I no longer am afraid to pay my bills! I have plenty in the bank and have an income in place for the next few months! This is such a 180 degree pivot from where I was I can barely believe that I ever even played in the field of “broke ass”.
Under your tutelage I allowed myself to “POP”, to use your verbiage, and bust out of the misery I was in. As you know I am a mother of 8 children, my hubby was injured at work so is home on disability which pays only 60% of his income. To say we struggled is an understatement!! All I had was faith and hope. Then you showed up. You taught me how to use those tools, cultivate my own talents and in the service of love go forth. Now, I love my life and am popping into my new life of abundance! From broke and busted to joyously abundant, in everyway! Thank you so much for your service and thank God and Goddess for you! Leilani Higham
I’ve taken tons of free and $147 online business courses, and I almost didn’t take the Healthy Wealthy Business Course. I’m so glad I did! Amanda helped me solidify my vision for my business (and I thought I knew where I was going): I’ve created an ezine, a signature system, coaching packages, and I am feeling so much calmer about moving forward.
My business – helping moms and moms-to-be get more energy, better sleep and healthier eating through yoga and yoga lifestyle practices – was overwhelming to me before the HWBC course. It had so many different aspects to it (classes, teacher trainings, online offerings, on-site workshops, coaching) that I was always just trying to keep another ball up in the air. Now, I’ve prioritized and worked on my weekly calendar so I know exactly what I need to do each day, and finally the money-making element is growing.
Amanda is so successful and yet she remembers what it was like to be starting out, so she can hold our hands through every step. She understands the overwhelm and the fear we feel as we step into more visibility, and kicks us in the butt to get out there and share our gifts.
My mamas are receiving so much more from me now that I’ve created the containers Amanda taught us. Thank you Amanda and I look forward to continuing to learn from you!! Jessica Jennings
Before working with Amanda I saw money as something limited and hard to get. I felt a pain in my gut every time I had to pay a bill because I was so scared of letting go of it and never making it back. I had a mentality of lack and it doesn’t matter how much money I made in a month, I still felt like I didn’t have enough to buy the things that I wanted. I was holding on so tight to the little bit I had and was so scared of losing it that I was not allowing the space for more money to come into my life.
Working with Amanda in her End Yo’ Money Drama Programhelped me have a more relaxed approach to money and see it as a renewable resource. The more I believe that money is my friend and loves me and it will always be there for me, the more it shows up in my bank account!
Since finishing the program I have manifested a two month trip to Brazil with all expenses paid, about $7000 cash gifted by family, and a brand new kitchen and living room paid by our insurance company that will cost around $30,000! Signing up for Amanda’s EYMD Program was the best financial decision I have ever made. If you are looking to change your finances from lack to abundance fast, Amanda is THE person to show you how to do it. Milena Pointer
Before Amanda’s Healthy Wealthy Biz School, I was mentally and emotionally paralyzed from having allowed my ego to utterly and completely hijack my life. Inside I was drowning in a sea of rational-lies…going nowhere, fast.
Amanda’s organized and professional, raw and real, down-to-earth, world-savvy-yet personal, girl-next-door approach helped me get over trying to look perfect, hide my flaws and prove, I’m special – which not only drained my energy and filled my life with imaginary drama…it robbed me of my happiness and God-given abilities to make the impact I know I was born to do to make on this planet.
I woke up to every missed opportunity to have made a difference, when absorbed in my own self-consciousness. I now know I can “Put a fork in it!”…FOCUS…and “Just F’in DO IT!” by truly and deeply letting my light shine.
Thank you, Amanda, for your courageousness…big heart…spunky style…fun loving spirit…valuable expertise…and, most of all, for delivering on your promise to be our magical mermaid, on a journey of transformation. Elizabeth Szabo
When I started working with Amanda, I was in a place of overdrawing my account once a month. I was plagued with fear around money, and had a lot of limiting beliefs that kept me in shackles. I started my photography business a year ago & have seen beautiful, exciting months of success! But my money-lover would love me & leave me.
With a lot of therapy via EYMD, I have a much healthier relationship with money. I was so excited to enter her POP program immediately after EYMD. Perfect timing!! And I am LOVING this program too. I have now turned my blog [which is rooted in natural parenting + natural health] into a second income, and just launched my first retreat teaching women how to live a blissful life of longevity + health + happiness.
I already cannot imagine not having Amanda in my life as a coach!We all need a coach & I jive well with her jargon & ways of belief/living. Greer Owings-Husserl
For the last five years, I’ve been steadily building my little design and letterpress business, Green Quince. Yet, despite how hard I worked, I kept feeling like I was coming up against barriers that kept me from being as successful and fulfilled as I wanted to be. I knew there had to be a better way, but I was struggling to find it.
While attending “Pop Your Biz Live” and learning from Amanda, I felt a shift in my perceptions about money and success. I was energized and had a renewed sense of passion for my work. I found myself letting go of my old money story and embracing a new mindset. New ideas and inspiration started pouring in, and I decided on a new business direction that I had only previously dreamt of pursuing.
When Amanda invited us to join the Journey to Paradise coaching program, I knew I wanted to be a part of that, and I decided to make the investment in myself. Amanda’s energy and compassion are true gifts, and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to work with her over the next nine months. With Amanda’s coaching and mentorship, I know that I will not only reach my goals, but I will do it with integrity and joy. Jennifer Merrill
Before working with Amanda, I had a vague, on again/off again relationship with my money. Since doing her 5 week course in End Yo’ Money Drama, I now track every penny, and am forming an intimate relationship with my money. It is spilling over into other areas of my life as well, like food and time.
Amanda lays out easy to follow steps in creative ways that allow in ‘aha moments’ like nobody’s business! It was worth every penny, and now I feel ready to finally claim the income that I deserve and to love every minute of it.
I’d highly recommend to anyone who is looking to raise their vibration around wealth and wealth consciousness and do it in a fun, sassy and spicy way, to check out working with Amanda!!! Sonja Ramos
I just wanted to say thank you for your End Your Money Drama Course. I found you to be an excellent facilitator and the information, worksheets and templates you provided astounded me, you certainly over deliver on the information!
One thing that provided an ‘aha moment’ for me, was getting in touch with my ‘Money Lover’. Since following your guidance in this process, I have gone from clients just wanting one-off sessions to suddenly 3 clients in 2 weeks,booking me for my Get Unstuck and Go From Blocked to Brilliant Program. I made $3800 in 2 weeks!
It feels so good to finally End My Money Drama (and throw my old beliefs away) and know that I can create an amazing Income doing what I love!
Thanks so much, Amanda! Kim Gillespie
Before I started working with Amanda, I felt confused, overwhelmed and lacked clarity and direction with my start up Holistic Health Coaching business. There was so much to do and I didn’t know where to start.
Since working with Amanda in her POP Your Biz in 2013 Course and 1:1 coaching sessions, I am more focused, in the process of launching my website, newsletter and blog and I’ve also identified my ideal client. I’ve even created my very first video! Amanda has a wealth of information that she shares in her course, is amazingly intuitive, she injects her courses with humor and passion and she really cares about your success. I would highly recommend working with Amanda if you’re serious about Popping your biz! Gail Sapone
I had been following Amanda’s career for years before taking that step forward and actually begin working with her. Before her End Yo’ Money Drama course I was unclear about different aspects of my relationship with money and my Coaching & Marketing Business. Through the course I have gotten great ideas and more clarity. I revisited my old money story and transformed old generational limiting beliefs by burning them in a fire. I learned a healthier relationship with money. As a result I have doubled my income and increased the number of active clients.
I have found Amanda to be very inspiring. She is living her dream; she is creative, very knowledgeable, professional and very funny. I would highly recommend Amanda to anyone who is ready to change their beliefs about money and move their business forward. Thank you Amanda. Diane Cunningham
I love Amanda’s style! She is open, honest and real and easy to communicate with. Above all she keeps everything fun! She has been where I am now and I am inspired by her success story! She is living the life that I have been dreaming about living for years. When I heard her story, there was no doubt that she was the person sent to me to help me on my journey to achieve my huge goals and dreams. She’s already been there and done it! I’ve always known I was meant for something big in life and she believes in her peeps wholeheartedly and gives me the confidence and belief that I can do it! I never feel better or more inspired and motivated than after a phone call or class with her. In just four months of working with her I’ve already noticed changes in my body, my home environment, my relationships, my happiness, my confidence, and my feelings about money. I can’t wait to see where the next nine months of coaching with her takes me and my business! Teresa Duttinger
When I heard of her Pop Your Biz in 2013 Program, I knew I had to do it. The course has been absolutely amazing! Even though I already had a lot of online structures in place, I got HUGE amount of value out of this program.
POP program takes all the foundational steps and necessary tools to building and marketing your business and breaks it into simple actionable steps – it give you’re a blueprint to make your business a success. I really loved all the calls and exercises which have made me much more focused, much clearer on my vision, even more confident in my abilities and I am currently creating my first ever one-day intensive for mid-level managers who struggle with interviews which will allow me to serve my clients in a deeper way while getting paid much higher fees.
I also loved being a part of a fantastic community of other women entrepreneurs who did the course, and their support has been invaluable. Margaret Buj
The “End Yo Money Drama” and “Healthy Wealthy Business School”e-courses have changed my life.
When I found Amanda I’d been grinding away in the arts for nearly twenty years. Many financial mistakes had lead to feeling burned out and broken down.
After going through EYMD I experienced a huge emotional and spiritual shift. For the first time ever I saw clearly the wounds that had lead me to settle for being, thinking and feeling “less than.”
With Amanda’s guidance I began to truly understand how we are co-creators with a benevolent universe, allowing me to release old baggage and step into my personal power. I let go of jobs that weren’t serving me, began to pay better attention to abundance in all its forms, and immediately made plans to follow my biggest dream of moving cross country to the desert southwest.
I now understand my heart’s mission to support other artists, and can see clearly how the trials, tribulations and successes poised me to become the perfect mentor to others who are in the position I was once in. Just two short months ago I launched my online business to support creative people, and I’m stunned by the response. A recent blog post I wrote about art and money went viral and, within a few days, was read by more than 4600 people in 50 countries. It’s lead to a slew of new subscribers and potential clients, and I know this is just the beginning.
Amanda is truly a bright light and clear channel. Her work is framed around money and business, but at its heart is about healing and empowerment. I’m grateful every day that I allowed myself to become aligned with her gifts. Leigh Medeiros
Five months ago, I came to Amanda terrified, stuck, in lack and in fear that my heart-centered purposeful business would never take off and support me financially. Since I started working with her, my business has QUANTUM leaped!
My coaching practice blossomed, now fully booked weeks in advance!! Within the first month of working together, I went from receiving less than $1,000 a month to making a $5,000 month!! I then went on to receive my first $10,000 month – AND I am en route to reaching six-figures.
Combining Amanda’s highly effective business systems & abundance mindset with my wisdom around the energetics of the manifesting – it was manifesting a-go-go!
My list size has also tripled since we started working together, going from less than 400 to more than 1400 within a short space of less than five months using the tools Amanda teaches in her programs to her clients! I feel so happy that I can now reach more people with my message and my work.
Last week (only five months into working with Amanda), I experienced my first $10,000 week! I am so happy and grateful that I can easily create and receive a minimum of $10,000 every month while working only 3 days a week.
And not only that, my life has transformed in every possible way. I feel so much more confident in showing up fully as who I am, with my gifts, and my relationships, health, fitness, and life continue to sky-rocket as a result.
Today, my business has become a consistent stream of prosperity that supports me in every way. Amanda is a pure genius in laser focusing onto your limiting beliefs and calling them out, creating structures to support you, and holding a high vibration space so that you can end yo’ money drama, make more money, and POP in life + biz. I feel like I have become a woman who truly has it all! Jia Ni Teo
Since doing the course my relationship to money has completely changed. I now track my money and spending and enjoy looking after my money. I have changed many of my beliefs that I had inherited from my family and the media. I have been able to go from dreading my credit card bills to joyfully receiving them. I not only have a debt plan in place but am managing my money to allow me to buy my hearts desires too. I feel so good about money and magically it seems to like me more too.
I decided to start my own business and realizing the value of education enrolled on various courses and programmes but I never even thought about how I would pay off the debt that I was growing.
The situation got worse and worse until eventually, I was in complete denial about it all. The credit card bills would arrive in the post and go straight into a drawer often unopened. This meant I would often get late payment charges too.
When I heard about Amanda’s End Yo Money Drama programme, I knew Immediately, I had to do it to end this once and for all. I listened to a recording of the preview call about a week after and missed the early bird offer but still thought ‘I have got to do this’
Amanda’s style is relaxed and intuitive. With her guidance I uncovered why I was in the situation I was and how to change it around.
Since doing the course my relationship to money has completely changed. I now track my money and spending and enjoy looking after my money. I have changed many of my beliefs that I had inherited from my family and the media. I have been able to go from dreading my credit card bills to joyfully receiving them. I not only have a debt plan in place but am managing my money to allow me to buy my hearts desires too. I feel so good about money and magically it seems to like me more too. Emily Thorpe
Before working with Amanda I was making some money but not nearly as much as I wanted or needed for that matter! I was uncertain about what the next step was and she must have heard my battle cry because she happened to be offering a program right when I needed it most. I immediately contacted her and the adventure began!
Since working with Amanda I am breaking down my limiting beliefs and bringing in the big bucks! I even made 15,500 in the first 5 weeks of working with her! My vibration was the highest its ever been and I have shifted my thinking which not only helps me attract more of what I want into my life its helping me hold a bigger space for my own clients.
Her support and high contact coaching has inspired and uplifted me and I am so grateful to have her as my mentor! Danielle Marggraf
Amanda’s program taught me how to connect the growing pieces of my business in an organized way. My company was evolving, and I wasn’t sure how to evolve with it. The overall operation of my business started to feel choppy and scattered. Through the coaching program, I ended up with an organized Signature PRogram that encompasses everything I offer + a Signature Talk and the ability to increase my income. I also wanted to create a webinar and automate pieces of my business. I was able to do all the things I was looking for and more! Her program pushed me to step my game up and create something beautiful and unique to share with the world. Aleesha Jordan
I have been working with Amanda for 1.5 years now. I began working with her to transform my relationship with my body & food and since it has morphed into work on not only body image, but money & business.
The changes I’ve made since working with her have been: releasing 30+ lbs, getting rid of limiting beliefs around money and claiming my dream of quitting my job in the corporate world and embarking on a 2 month cross country road trip (which I am currently in the middle of), and starting my own business as a Body Empowerment Coach!
Amanda has expertise in all of these realms, body, money and biz, and is able to relate and advise on a super deep level due to her experience. Hiring her as my coach has been, by far, the best thing I’ve EVER done for myself! Melissa Frederick
Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
~ Swami Sivananda
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