Feature Article

By Amanda Moxley

Woman shouting empty speech bubbleThis week I was shocked to see that a “friend” I met while living in Hawaii completely copied two of my launch emails WORD for WORD! I called her on it immediately and she said she was so sorry then two days later she copied my second email in the launch sequence word for word including the subject line. I felt violated!

I know this goes on a TON in our industry and that’s just not cool. Some of us are not natural born marketers and copywriters but that does not mean you can COPY other peoples copy from the internet. I worked hard on creating that copy! Between brainstorming the copy, working with my coach on the launch concept and my teams time that copy was an investment of over 10 hours= $10,000. It’s just not fair that someone could rip it off and then make money off of my word for word copy and ideas!

It takes time to figure out your own voice and learn how to market yourself. I am ok with my clients borrowing my voice until they get their own voice but I am not ok with flat out word for word copying! It just looks poorly on the person copying!

If you struggle with writing your own marketing copy I strongly recommend that you hirer a copywriter.

And I recommend that you find your OWN voice.

Businesswoman with loudspeakerFinding your voice is a life long process and it is a throat chakra healer at it’s finest.  There are two things to think about when finding your VOICE.

# 1 How do you talk to your friends and family? You want to talk/market  in this same voice! It makes your clients feel like they know you and they can relate to you instead of you trying to be someone you are not!

# 2 Know your ideal client inside and out! Know everything about WHO you are talking to and TALK to her like you would talk to a friend.

To help you further dive deep into finding your VOICE.. answer these questions in your journal…


1.  This is who I am.


2.  This is who I serve.


3.  This is what I love to do.


4.  This is how I help peeps.


5.  This is what I hate to do.


6.  This is what I strongly dislike to do.


7.  This kind of work makes my heart sing!


Your clients want to hear YOUR VOICE! There is only ONE and ONLY one of you! You are the only one who has your unique voice and perspective on life. Dig deep. Wear blue (throat chakra color). Don’t be afraid to be you. You got this!

Cheers to ALL of us rocking our own individual voices from the roof tops!

Woo hoo!




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