I’m doing something radical this month, and I want YOU to do it with me!

What is it?

I’m taking a day out of my schedule to plan my 2019. And you, are invited!

In fact, I want you to join me so much for this VIP experience, I’m giving you free access.

Because even in this often crazy month of holidays, travel, and end-of-year crunches, it’s essential to take time out to step back, create our juicy vision, and make an actionable plan for how to make it show up in reality in the coming year!

So join me and your brilliant women colleagues who are fired up to map out our banner year of:

• getting on stages
• inspiring and impacting more people
• rocking out our signature talks and systems
• and signing up dream clients at premium rates!

Are you in?? Here are the deets!!

DATE: 12/12


WHERE: Facebook Live

Download your free Guidebook HERE.

( Yep, we are doing it on 12/12 at 12PM!! Turns out the number 12 is an important one in numerology since it signifies completion! 12 offers the opportunity to turn over a new leaf by giving you a chance to wrap up a certain life stage and situation before moving forward to bigger and better things!)

This is your chance to put your stake in the ground and declare that 2019 is YOUR year to explode your speaking and coaching biz!!

This is your moment to have me help you create your roadmap to finally get off the sidelines and into the spotlight where you belong!

Are you really going to say, “Nah, I’m too busy” ?

Not if you’re serious! (And I know you are.)

See you on 12/12 at 12 MT!

Tell the kids and the spouse or partner that this time is yours and is non-negotiable! Maybe explain how it’ll be better for them when your plan shows you how you can bring in more income in the first 90 days of 2019 than you did all of this year!

If you already know you’re ready to get help to allow you to skip the line and make your vision a reality faster than you ever could on your own, go ahead and grab one of my private sessions to explore how my 90-day done-with-you program can turbo-charge your plans. Book one of the remaining December slots here.

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