I’m fired up to connect with you today about something I’ve been creating called the Freedomista™! I’m writing to the rock star that is YOU. The action taker. The leaper. The part of you who has BIG goals, big VISIONSand big dreams. And you want it all yesterday!
You know you came here to live an epic life!
No more mediocre.. lame ass.. playing small.. shrinking.. just getting by life!
You are unapologetic about your DESIRES.
You want the:
- dream house..because it’s your sanctuary
- the hot hubby..because you want to go to new levels with intimacy, pleasure and partnership
- the hot body…because you feel your best when you feel like a lean loving’ money making machine
- the travel..because you’re a free spirit and you learn and grow from being out there.. exploring
- the family..if you have kids you don’t want to put them in day care! You want the flexibility and freedom to raise your conscious children.
- the freedom…to do what you want and when you want
You trust LIFE. You listen to that still small voice that tells you that everything is going to be MORE than ok. And yes, you LEAP from that grounded ALL knowing space.
You’re an athlete and this gives you strength and a sense of power.You know if you can surf that wave, climb that mountain or breathe through THAT yoga class you can do anything… especially build and run a profitable biz birthed from your heart and soul creation.
Yes, you’ve had some WC1™(wounded child) stuff that’s held you back but you’ve done your inner work on that and you’re done with the old story. You’ve stopped looking BACK and all of your f’in focus, passion,energy and LOVE is on the VISION of building your profitable freedomista™ biz!
Let’s face it. There is no other way for YOU because you ARE a natural born entrepreneur! You never fit into that corporate, follow the rules, play the game BS that you were schooled to buy into. It never felt right to you. You’ve always known you were BORN to lead an extraordinary life- on your terms!
You’re a natural leader, coach, listener, empath and giver with a heart as BIG as mama ocean. You want to GIVE your love and be vulnerable enough to receive LOVE/money/abundance and freedom in all areas of your life.
What keeps you stuck is:
- You are watching other women online WAY too much and NOT taking the right action.Stop looking around and start taking ACTION!
- You’re comparingyourself to other women online. Stay in your on lane sister!
- Your old money story blocks. you’re afraid to let it go because you don’t TRUST money.. that’s gotta change.
- You are waiting for permissionto GO BIG and play BIG!
- You don’t know “how” to do it.
- And I’m sure there are a whole lot of other little reasons that are blocking you.
But the way I see it.. your soul won’t LET you not BE the freedomista™ you were born to be.
It’s time to put 2 feet in and #JFDI. Not tomorrow, not next week, not when the kids get back to school.
The time is NOW!
- To stand up, be seen, serveand PROSPER in today’s online world.
- To build, grow and lead your tribe.
- To share and shine your gifts.
- To work efficiently, effectively and focused so you can work less and play more.
Who doesn’t want the freedom that YOU want?
What separates the “have’s” from the “have not’s” is:
- Clarity
- Focus
- Blisscipline
- Persistence
- Consistency
- Delegation
- Support
- Faith
- Putting yourself out there 24/7 in a leveraged way
- Aligned Action
I’m not going to lie.. building a multiple 6 figure portable online freedomista™ biz is not easy.
It takes a shit ton of inner and outer work consistently day in and day out. But once you build your systems, grow your tribe and find your voice and know how to consistently communicate with your people … it is easy!
If you can handle the real work.. you WILL make it in anything you do.
You have to sell yourself on YOURSELF first.
The selling yourself on YOU first is my gift to you.
I’m taking a stand for women RULING their world. We can have it all in a balanced, pleasurable and playful WAY!
You’ve got enough athletic ability and strength within you to birth a baby… YOU can definitely POP a multiple 6 figure freedomista™ biz of your soul.
Trust yourself.
The future belongs to those who have the courage to believe in their dreams.
P.S. If now is your time to receive mentoring and kick-ass coaching from a freedomista™ who is walking her talk .. I have good news..
Introducing the Freedomista™ Mentoring and Coaching Program:
6 months customized individual coaching with Amanda Moxley. We’ll start with getting massive clarity on your unique messaging, marketing plan and your schedule. I’ll hold you accountable to f’in focusing like a gold medal athlete to get the results you desire.
You’ll learn to BELIEVE in yourself, get out of your own way and OWN your VALUE and your worth so that you can serve and receive on a high level. We’ll create YOUR hot brand that magnetizes your ideal clients to YOU. And you will be in JFDI action so that by December 31st, 2015… you will look back and say 2015 was my most abundantly prosperous and fun year ever!
Program Structure:
Two 1:1 calls a month (12 total) (Value: 12k)
1 Half Day VIP day to map out your Freedomista plan either in person or virtually (Value: 3k)
1 Freedomista Biz Training Call a month (Value:3K)
3 Day POP Live retreat in Park City, Utah (Value: 3K
Total Program Value:$21,000
8K in full or 6 payments of $1497
Click here to apply for a strategy session and if it’s a fit…we will set up a call!
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