IMG_2480It’s sad, but true.

Most service-based entrepreneurs –even the most talented — will NEVER reach the six-figure mark.

A few make it there, working REALLY hard, but then they hit a plateau.

But what if you could discover the money, manifesting and marketing moxie secrets to create a solid biz doing what you love– we’re talking, 5, 10, 20, 30 or even 50k a MONTH?

The truth is, you already have what it takes – you just need to learn a few new skills and unlock your true powers.

Wanna learn my manifesting, money and marketing moxie secrets? If yes, join me this Thursday for a HOT new free training call I’m hosting just for you:


Discover Your Money and Manifesting MOXIE with Amanda!

Register here!

On this content-packed and motivating call you’ll:

  • Get Amanda’s entire 3M formula (money, marketing and manifesting) including the easy steps YOU can implement right now!
  • Learn the secret money manifesting technique Amanda used to sell her house in 24 hours and then manifest her dream house just days later!
  • Find out how YOU can consistently have 5, 10, 15, 20 and even 30k months (If Amanda and her clients can do it, you can too!)
  • How to balance it all working 18 hours or less a week, in a schedule that leaves you time for self-care, family and FUN



I’ve taught hundreds of women just like you to be master marketers and manifestors of money (LOTS of it!) and other good things in life and business.

Wouldn’t you rather be those things (and be LIVING your vision board life) than a sad statistic?

Yeah, me too! That’s why you HAVE to be on this call!

Register Here!

It’s a LOT simpler than you think to make these shifts. But the rewards are massive.
Don’t miss it!


P.S. What if you just ignored the stats and just created all you wanted in your business and life with less effort and more joy? That’s how me and my peeps roll! Let’s do this.
P.P.S. Be sure to forward this email and invite your friends, colleagues and soul sisters to the 3M training! They will LOVE you for it!

Register Here!

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