You are awesome and you know it!!

So just decide to claim everything YOU DESIRE NOW.


  • Delaying it
  • Putting it OFF
  • Waiting for permission
  • Not doing IT
  • Wondering
  • Being confused
  • Giving your power away
  • Waiting to be saved
  • Not acting

Just DECIDE to claim what you want NOW.

You know what you want for business, body, bank account, faith, family and fun, right?

If no, priority number one is to get clarity on what YOU do want.


  • Be that woman
  • Believe like her
  • Feel like her
  • Act like her
  • Habitualize like her
  • Ritualize like her
  • Just be her NOW


If that is hard for you to do, then you need to figure out how you are NOT being who you want to become.

Blow the whistle on yourself. Cut the crap out.

Blisscipline yourself to become the powerful, strong, successful, feminine and prosperous woman you want to be!

Today’s the day to give yourself permission to claim it all and then DECIDE to claim it.


When you decide, you draw the line in the sand, you burn the back door and you fully commit with body, mind, heart and soul to go for it.

Today is the day.

Will you decide?

If no, why are you not deciding? What is stopping you?

Everything will shift for you at the moment you give yourself permission to DECIDE.



P.S. If you’re awesome and you know it… give me an “awesome” in the comments! Come on you know you are!! XO

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