My heart is overflowing with aloha these days after being back in my beloved Kauai. I had to write to you today with a special message.
I see you, working so hard, struggling and wishing you could be on the other side of the rainbow. What if you didn’t have to push so hard? What if you could let go of the stress, anxiety, fear and pressure that you put on yourself? I’ve had such a healing experience here and I want you to know how loved you are. There is no fear except for your own minds projections. You are safe. You are a special spark in the divine plan. You are loved beyond imagination. The earth loves you.
Perhaps it’s you that does not love you and that is what is blocking the money, the love and the ease into your life. How can you move deeper into love today? How can you rest and relax and receive more today? Just go within and listen. Be still. Be quiet. Breathe.
In what way are you NOT listening to your heart’s desires and passions in your business? Stop looking outside of yourself for the answers. Stop putting yourself down and comparing yourself to other women. That does not help you at all. Instead, be still and go deep within and find the PEARL inside of your own sacred heart. It is there. Do not be afraid to be still and listen and go within. Breathe.
Understand that LIFE is really really really for YOU! Nothing can be against you other than your own perception. Trust yourself. Trust life. Trust money.
It’s really simple. Here’s the formula:
#1. What does your heart really truly DESIRE for your business, money and life? Your desire is the KEY that opens the door. Write it down, journal it, see it, feel it, believe it!
#2 Follow your heart’s passions and desires even if you do not know how it will all work out. Take the first step in faith. Act! Book the ticket, say YES, make the call, reserve the space etc..
#3 Stop looking around and comparing, instead take lots of TIME to go within and hear your own inner wisdom. This is where the magic lies. You have your own formula and your own medicine that no one else carries. Is it buried and pushed down by everyone else’s voices and plans? Find the pearl within your own sacred heart.
#4 Trust yourself completely. Learn to trust. Affirm trust. Breathe trust. Let go. Be BRAVE! Be courageous. Trust!!
Sound good?
You are so loved.
I love you.
Thank you for being here on this journey with me. I feel like a new person now. Something new and deep is brewing… I don’t know what it is yet but I feel it taking form and I’m excited to share it with you when the time is right.
Until then, go within, be still and listen.
Abundantly yours,
You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Amanda Moxley, the Healthy Wealthy Biz Mentor, publishes the energizing and inspiring “Breath of Fresh Air E-Zine” every week for fun loving, free spirited women on a MISSION with a VISION how to create profitable, playful and portable businesses that rock and pop! If you are ready to POP your biz to 6 figures in a way you’ve never learned how to before, get your FREE articles, tips, tools, and resources at
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