A new opportunity just came up, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of it.
I am hosting a powerful, one-day, intimate 1:1 Intensive retreat for select women who wish to receive concentrated feedback from me on the next best steps to take their body and life to the next level. Participants also receive a private welcome call with me, during which I get to know their body, health and life well and recommend specific action steps to help them move forward fast.
This experience is called the Body Barrier™ Intensive.
Because this offering is such a success, I’ve JUST opened two new locations for the Body Barrier™ Intensive in both Los Angeles and in the mountains surrounding Salt Lake City!
This opportunity is perfect for women who are self-starters in need of a jumpstart to claim their ultimate body and life.
If you feel this could be exactly what YOU need at this time, then click here to learn more. www.amandamoxley.com/BBintensive
I hope to meet YOU here in Salt Lake City or in Los Angeles, and to speak with you even sooner!
Radiantly yours,
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