You gotta love December, right? It’s the most magical time of the year to reflect on the lessons and learning of 2016 as you prepare for 2017.

As I’ve done my personal review I thought you’d be interested in hearing about my most defining moment of 2017.

I recommend you do a review yourself

One hot summer day while the sun was roaring in Leo, I had a “come to Jesus” moment. And maybe I have had these moments before but it hit me again like a Mac truck in the middle of the night.

I realized that “YES” I am responsible for my results.

I am responsible for my retirement, my kids college funds and for all of the goals I journal about every day and that are plastered all over my vision board.

You see for years, I have frequently bounced between two zones #1) that I will be saved by an inheritance and #2) resentment that I am the “kale winner” of my family.

Vacillating between victim and martyr consciousness and thus feeling on one hand that I was waiting to be saved and on the other hand mad that I had to “do it all”.

Where are you stuck?

What is blocking you from getting more in your power and moving further to your dreams?

That hot August day, I got “into reality”. I faced the truth that I am responsible and I got the f’ over myself.

Since I took my power back and stopped playing the drama of being a victim and a martyr:

  • I’ve increased my income by 30% from 2015
  • I have paid off multiple 5 figures in business debt that I’d been holding onto for years on 0% credit cards
  • I’ve consistently gotten up at least 1 hour before the rest of my family in the morning to journal, vision and work on my business every day
  • I’ve ordered prepped meals from “Sun Basket” so that my family and I are enjoying delicious divine unique home cooked family meals together
  • My soul man Johnn and I have attended two 3 day workshops together to work on our marriage, romance and connection.
  • We’re prioritizing our togetherness and our touching, talking and connecting more daily and with weekly dates
  • I’ve prioritized my yoga, biking and hiking workouts. And have added up to 50 squats a day + 50 sit ups a day to my routine.
  • I have a set bed time
  • I don’t eat 3 hours before bed
  • I sage and write in my gratitude journal every night
  • I’ve had healthier boundaries in my business and am no longer available to take on other peoples stuff that is not mine
  • I’ve also grown a ton closer to Father/Mother God and feel completely supported, heard, held and loved by the Divine. This is massive for me.
  • I no longer place MY VALUE on the amount of money I make or do not make. My value is not determined by money. HUGE!!

I’m sharing all of this with you because if you’re playing the victim, martyr or the accuser game anywhere in your business or life, you’re stuck in the drama and it’s COSTING you BIG time.

It’s as easy as flipping the switch and getting into reality with where you are compared to where you want to be.

Nothing in life is handed to us on a silver platter, you have to take responsibility, focus your mind and intentionally take action towards the business and life you want.

If I can do this, so can you.

Just decide to be done with the old and make a powerful decision to take action.



P.S. Later on this month, I’ll be sharing a way in which I’ll be working with clients in early 2017 to help them build their businesses from the ground up.

If you’re ready to take action now about tripling your income and transforming your business in 2017, I’d love to help.

Fill out this quick application now and we’ll get on the phone and I’ll show you how you can triple your income in 2017.

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