I’m writing to you from the famous Sun Valley lodge! My family and I are here for a week of mountain biking, swimming and fun in the sun! Having a freedomista biz rocks! I’m here to tell you that it is completely possible for you to travel WIDE and far and take your business with you! In today’s article, I’m going to give you my tips on how to add 10k plus to your biz each and every month!

Here’s how to add 10K +  income to your biz every month:


  1. Give workshops online and locally multiple times a month and at the end of your talk, offer a limited number of consultations or breakthrough sessions with you. You have to get in front of people on a consistent basis by providing massive value, connection and heart. Plan, schedule, book and plan your next 5 workshops/ tele classes this week! If planning and delivering a workshop stops you in your tracks.. reach out to me! My Healthy Wealthy Biz school program teaches you the exact steps to book, fill and close your next tele class or workshop!

  2. Package your programs and service to deliver a long term transformation and container for your client to DO the inner and outer work to get the results they say they want. Offering one time sessions give your client a quick fix and a bandaid to their issues. You need to get behind your work and realize that real life lasting change takes months of consistent attention, intention, focus, accountability and support. Be the expert and hold your clients in a container in which they can stretch out IN and transform!

  3. Price your packages in such a way that supports YOU, yes YOU! Many times my clients will shrink and price their packaged services so low because they think that is all their potential client can afford and then they feel resentful because they over gave and feel like they are still stressed about money. I recommend giving yourself a raise this week. You can not make 6 figures selling $297 classes. Do the math, if you want to make 10k a month; you could sell 10 spots at 1k or 4 spots at $2500, or 2 spots at 10k or 1 spot at 10k.What are you going to do? 

  4. Work on your wealth consciousness every damn day! You can’t get somewhere you’ve never been with the same consciousness that brought you to where you are today! You need to think, believe, feel and ACT differently if you want different results.You need to BELIEVE in yourself. Amp up your confidence. Be the channel. Get out of your own way. Own your VALUE. Simple and profound.   

  5. Your client is paying YOU for the transformation you are holding space for them to create. For example,  If you’re a health coach, your client is paying you to hold the space for them to be held accountable and supported in releasing 20 lb’s and and transforming her relationship with food for good. If you’re a biz coach, your client is paying you to hold the space for her to transform her relationship with money, fill her practice with ideal clients and make more money! Your job is to BELIEVE in her, deliver amazing value and support, do what you say you will do, coach her and be the expert!

  6. In order to add another 10K plus to your biz this month, you need to let go of shiz that is no longer serving you. What beliefs, actions, people, environment, thoughts, feelings and behaviors are stopping or blocking you from stepping into your 6+ figure healthy wealthy vision of yourself? This is massive! If you’re not being your healthy wealthy 10k + a month YOU then sorry sister, it’s going to be extremely challenging to manifest it! Make a list of everything you blocking you and get the courage and confidence to step into your freedomista biz! Download my free gift to help you with that here—>Click here to listen and download

  7. Remember no one is going to save yo’ ass! Take your hand off the back door, f’in focus, commit and JFDI! When I finally realized that it was MY TIME to make money, my business exploded! Who are you waiting to save you? Get real with yourself and then get RICH!

  8. In unison with all of the JFDI action I referenced in #’s 1-3, journal your visions in the present positive tense EVERY DAY for at least 30 minutes. Doing so will help you get your mind focused on what you DO want vs what you do NOT want. I will admit, this step is challenging for me because I have a very attached 3 year old and 6 year old but when I do take the time for ME and for my visioning, I feel calmer, clearer and more confident to RECEIVE! Commit to journaling your vision every day for the next 30 days and watch your life rearrange itself in the direction of your heart’s desires. You are a creatrix!

  9. For the love of Goddess, please STOP comparing yourself to every other women online! The FEMININE is rising! We are coming back into balance and women are getting in their POWER, voicing their heart’s and changing the world! There is no competition on the creative plane! Dance YOUR dance, sing YOUR song! Be YOU! Never look online or on your phone first thing in the morning. Reserve the first 3 hours of your day for your journaling, visioning and CREATING VALUABLE content!

  10. Focus on how you can serve and GIVE value to your ideal client 24/7. Speak, write, create, plan, post, film videos, host workshops and give everything to HER and for her. Stop focusing on YOU and make it about HER. This will transform your business!

  11. Infinite patience creates immediate results. Hold steady to your visions, intentions, goals and desires and at the same time surrender it all to the Divine. TRUST! This will strengthen your faith and your relationship with the divine!
Print this list out, read it daily and most importantly JFDI (just f’in do it!)
That’s how you can add an additional 10K + to your biz this month!


P.S. Book a JFDI call if you want to:

  • Create 10-30k months consistently as a coach
  • Create your Freedomista Biz this year
  • Get in your power, stop waiting to be saved and start making money now!
  • Get into JFDI massive inspired and aligned action


No selling. No slimy sales pitch. No obligations. Just heart to heart connection followed by a JFDI truth bomb!


Aligned Action = Results!



Click here to complete a quick application! Obviously I can’t do a million of these because I’m committed to my 18 hour work week but if I think I can help  you, I will!  

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