Were you on the call yesterday? What a seismic shift on the line as Body Barriers were shaken!

If you missed it, grab the recording here:
Audio Download Link

But listen right away.

Why? 2 reasons.

#1: You NEED to hear right now what no one else will ever tell you about why and how your weight and body image are standing like an immovable object between you and the money, business mojo, romance, vitality (did I mention great a great LOVE life) and gorgeousness you desire and deserve…


sale#2 On November 1, the price on my exclusive Body Barrier program will go up dramatically – and stay there. You want to get in NOW.

Move Beyond Your Body Barrier

Why am I raising the price? This program is my signature creation, and my clients have gotten massive results.

They’ve made oodles more money, discovered their true life purpose, launched their own businesses, left jobs they hated, found the loves of their lives, and much, much more.

(Oh, and by the way, they’ve also lost the weight they never could before. But really, when your life takes off the way it will once you’ve conquered your Body Barrier, getting thin and looking hot is just a bonus. Trust me on this. )

Don’t take my word for it. Just look at what some of my clients have to say:

Healthy Utah MagazineNo wonder Healthy Utah Magazine just named me one of the most influential business women in Utah (stop, I’m blushing).

Now, let’s get real. With your incredible transformation supported by 15 powerful one-one-one sessions with me, a personalized nutritional analysis by my lab, a tribe of amazing fellow women on the same path and so much more, my Body Barrier program is totally worth my new rate.

But until 11/1/11 you can still get it at the “old” one – almost 50% offif you take action now. So why the heck wouldn’t you?

Go here!!

Move Beyond Your Body Barrier

It’s time to finally fall in love with you. When you do, everything in your world changes for the better. What would that be worth to you?

I can’t wait to lead you on your fantastic journey past your Body Barrier!  Love,

P.S. If you are even a little interested, please don’t wait! This program will fill up because with all the one-on-one attention there are obviously only so many slots. And with the $ you’ll save by getting in early, you can purchase a fab new wardrobe for your rockin’ new body, invest in your cool new business or plan that romantic getaway with Mr. Wonderful.

P.S. Questions? I’d love to chat about whether this is the right fit for you. Click here now to set up an appointment.

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