By Amanda Moxley

Are you ready to manifest anything you want? You can! Your wish is YOUR command and I’m going to show you how!

Secret #1: Your desire is the KEY that opens the door. What is it that you truly desire for yourself? Start a DESIRES notebook and write in it every day, carry it around with you and write down EVERYTHING you desire.

Desire means “of God”. Your desires are planted in your heart at the moment you were conceived and are meant to be felt and manifested. Your desires are unique to you and ONLY you, which means that IF you have a desire you are destined to RECEIVE it!

Sadly, I think most of us have forgotten about our hearts desires out of fear and disappointment that what we really desire will not be given to us.

Your desire must be a magnificent obsession. You must want it more than anything.  Kick fear, doubt and worry to the curb and stand STRONG in your desires and watch them manifest!

Affirmation “I am receiving EVRERY desire from my Heart NOW.”

Secret # 2 Make the decision to do whatever it takes to manifest your heart’s desires. And never and I mean never give up on your desires.  You must be relentless.

Decide that you will never again struggle financially. Draw the line in the sand that you are through with the hand to mouth, lack mentality, not enough story or whatever story you have allowed to run your life.

When you make the decision to transform your body or your bank account, you can NOT have one hand on the back door and one hand forward. You must burn the ships and decide that you will have what you desire NO MATTER what.

There is infinite power in being decisive. Success is only one decision away! What are you deciding in this moment?

Secret # 3. Hire a coach. If you are a coach, you must have your own coach and no not someone that you trade with! Realize that you can not do it on your own because if you could you would have by now! Every successful person on the planet has a coach to bring out their best and hold them accountable.  Why should you, your body and your business be any different?

Having someone on your side will catapult your growth and success and it shows the Universe that you mean business!

You have to be willing to INVEST in yourself and in your growth if you want to transform on any level.

Question? Who are you going to hirer as your coach?

Affirmation: “I allow myself to be supported and heard. I loving receive this support!”

Secret # 4 : Do the necessary inner work to move beyond limiting beliefs and false stories. Work on your conditioning every day because this road is not for the faint of heart. You have to be fierce and focused and relentless and strong.

Know that you were not created with a spirit of fear.

Affirmation “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Secret # 5: Keep saying yes even if it defies logic and you feel fear.

Worship your desires more than your fears.

I keep saying yes, I am continuously stretching myself beyond my comfort zone even if I don’t know the how. Know the why and that’s all that matters. The how is the domain of the Universe- not your business… living life in the feminine way means trusting and allowing and knowing with your intuition that you are on the right path..

Secret # 6: Be in your joy zone at all times! You must follow what feels good to you! What brings you joy? What lights YOU up? Joy is one of the highest vibrations available to you.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Amanda Moxley, Body and Soul Coach, publishes the energizing and inspiring “Breath of Fresh Air E-Zine” every Thursday for healthy people everywhere. If you are ready to discover your perfect body in a way you’ve never learned how to before, get your FREE articles, tips, tools and recipes at:

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