I just finished up an amazing telecourse “Angelic Business Secrets” with Melissa Kito from Communicate with Your Angels.com.  I met Melissa last year at Ali Brown’s SHINE event in Las Vegas.

I know that we all have Guardian Angels and I’ve played with Doreen Virtue’s angels and Goddess cards for years.  I never knew that I could actually communicate with my angels and that they could help me in my business!

As a student, I’ve been drawn to spiritual, successful female entrepreneurs (like Ali Brown, Kendel Summerhawk, and my coach Karen Knowler) because they talk about receiving “Divine Downloads”, trusting their gut, and being able to channel their programs and packages.  I wanted that for myself because it would be so much easier than grinding it out on my own!

When Melissa’s class came around, I jumped on the chance to meet my angels and work with them in my business. I hope that you don’t think that I’m crazy but I really am very spiritual (always have been).  We really are living in extraordinary times.  I believe we are Spiritual Beings living in a material world.  I admire how my mentors are able to be radiantly successful in business and be completely connected and inspired from Source.  I feel a huge shift has occurred within me.  I have gotten out of my own way and instead I’m being the channel for love and healing.  I’ve been in my clients shoes and that wisdom allows me to hold the space for miraculous healing.  I know who I am!

Love and Radiance,

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