January 8, 2014 Volume IX, Issue 210 |
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Welcome to 2014 my friends! We made it! I hope you had some time to really reflect on 2013 and then make your juicy plan for 2014 over the break.
In 2013, my themed word for the year was leadership. And that’s what I did. I thought it’d be fun to share with you my high lights and low lights of 2013 in this week’s ezine! But before I do that, I have a very special surprise for you.
What are you going to do differently in 2014? If you want your biz to really POP this year you’ll need to shake it up – which is why you NEED to sign up for the “POP YOUR BIZ in 2014 International Telesummit”!
For the past 3 months, I’ve been creating something VERY juicy for YOU!
I’ve gathered 11 super-successful 6 and 7 figure biz women from around the globe(from Australia to the UK) to let you in on exactly what we did to catapult ourselvesfrom where you may be now to having a profitable biz and lifestyle we used to only dream about. (Psst – YOU can easily do these same strategies and get the same great results!)
We start spilling the beans Jan 27 – < Go HERE to register TODAY! >
This event is NOT to be missed, if you’re committed to creating a profitable, portable and playful biz for yourself this year!
We’re going to spill all our secrets…the good, the bad and the truly heinous… to make 2014 the year you POP! I promise it’s going to ROCK!
Enjoy this week’s article on What 2013 taught me about biz, money and life!
Cheers to a rockin’ 2014!
Abundantly yours,
What 2013 taught me about biz, money and life
1. Say yes before you’re ready and even if you’re super scared. Last January, I moved through a massive fear storm when I said yes to putting everything on the line in order to birth my first ever live event. I had a big vision to host an international 3 day event with 150+ women from around the world.
Mind you- I had never even hosted a workshop and this was only my 2nd year in biz as a biz coach and I only had 1 team member at the time.
From a birds eye view, I certainly had no biz pulling it off. Everything was a massive learning curve for me (naming the event, filling the event, marketing the event from Hawaii, creating the itinerary, writing the content for the event, getting speakers and sponsored lined up, the slides, the catering, putting together my offer, and then offering my first ever master mind from the stage.)
And my loyal assistant of 3 years, god bless her quit on me the week before the event!
Never giving up, I was committed and focused on my vision and it paid off! 80+ women and a few brave men from 6 different countries Unlocked Their Money Channels and Popped Their Biz Live with me!
What I learned: I had no idea how sensitive I was to other’s energy. The moment I got on stage and saw all of the gorgeous women in the audience I started to cry!It was actually happening! They were there! I did it!
I also learned that with my gift of compassion and empathy (I feel everything), I can easily TAKE ON everybody’s “stuff”.
I guess I thought I was Moses and I was there to set the captive free!! LOL!! Big ASS lesson learned here! No one needs to be saved! Peeps just need to wake up and free themselves! And I can give them all I’ve got but I don’t have to save anyone! In fact, their soul actually wants them to DO the work!!
Chords were cut, boundaries were laid down and I went on my merry way!
Can you know see why I went through such a massive transformation this year? It didn’t happen by me playing it safe and calculated or waiting until I was ready or perfect. Man, I was on the edge!
2. Being fully supported by money. I had an ever flowing supply of abundance flowing into my life in 2013. It felt SO good to be supported by money on a consistent non-stop basis. Ahhh.
Seriously it felt good to roll into Nordstrom’s or wherever whenever and buy whatever my heart desired. And it felt good to give to causes I cared about! It feels good to actually contribute and be a player in this money game!! (Keep going friends!)
3. Fist pumping “YES” under the star filled nights on Kauai, Hawaii. We stretched and said YES to a living in a gorgeous farm house on 2.5 acres overlooking Hanalei, Bay this summer (3+months).
I would walk outside under the stars, yelling “YES” all night long! God had heard me!! All of my desires were coming true and were true! Thank you father for you have heard me!!!
And running with Will Smith was pretty much a highlight of my year too!! (Check out the Youtube vid here!)
Lesson- say yes to your desires!!
4. I am so in love with Johnn my soul mate. We’ve created such a delicious life.
Loving our small kids and each other, laughing and dancing and really dropping into the present moment was one of my favorite nuggets of 2013.
I am so grateful to still be nursing Phoebe love and
being with her for every special moment including her first steps on Hanalei Bay, and my boy Sawyer steals my heart away with his almond eyes and goldey locks!
Lesson- they’ll never be this age again so be here now and enjoy it!! Snuggle more. Kiss more. Hug more. Laugh more.
5. I created some amazing joint venture and affiliate partnerships this year, which contributed to being able to lead, teach, coach and work with the most amazing clients on the planet in my Healthy Wealthy Biz School, End Yo’ Money Drama and my Journey to Paradise master mind.
Lesson learned- cultivate great connections with partners and support each other!
6. I invested in my first ever professional video shoot on the beaches of Kauai! And I had the best pro photo shoot of my life on the beaches too.
Lesson learned- get visible by upleveling your pics and videos.
7. I birthed my first ever Journey to Paradise master mind! I love this program because I get to work closely with a core group of women for 9 months. I am teaching them wealth consciousness training as well as my 7 steps to create a profitable, portable and playful biz.
I love watching my clients POP, Unlock and Rock their biz.They are doubling their incomes, going on adventures, having babies, writing books, speaking, hosting retreats and more. I’m a proud mamma!
Lesson learned- do what you love. Get out of your own way. Go get some clients!
8. Hire before you’re ready! I wish I had hired more support earlier on in 2013. Lesson learned! So far in 2014, I have a team of 5 working for me and with me in my biz.
You can not do this alone even if you’re super woman. Hire slowly, fire quickly.Listen to your gut feeling when you hire and start off with a 30 day trial period.
I would also recommend starting an operations manual NOW. Don’t wait until you’re ready. Since my team switchover, we’ve had a ton of extra work that could have been taken care of if we had had an owner’s manual.
9. Don’t be attached to your goals and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t meet them! I spent a lot of time berating myself in 2013 because I didn’t meet my “goals”.
I realized that I tend to shoot for the stars and then get disappointed if I only get the moon. I was really hard on myself in 2013 for not meeting my goals 100%.
And that’s sad because I am rocking it! I wanted to make 500k and I made 333k instead. I caught myself focused on lack and comparing myself to other colleagues when really I better my best every year. I am good enough!!!
Lesson learned– trust the Universe has a divine plan for you and that everything is working out for your good. Affirm.. I am enough!
10. Put your self care first. The better you take care of yourself, you’ll be more magnetic to money and adventures. Eat well and exercise every day. Journal, rest, go to the spa, take a bath and stare at a blank wall.
Lesson learned. Regular self care= happiness.
11. Boundaries and time management. I started my biz because I wanted the freedom to work whenever and wherever doing what I loved helping women and because I wanted to be able to SKI, do yoga, have fun with my family and friends and NOT work!! LOL! (Keepin’ it real here folks:)
In 2013, I condensed my working schedule down to 18hrs a week because I wanted more time with my babies, my hubby and for my passions of yoga, nature, skiing and fun.
Lesson learned- delegate, delegate and delegate some more.
I also removed email from my phone and set up a secret email address that only my team can reach me on! My work time is work time and the rest of the time is fun and family time. Strong boundaries between work and family were HUGE for me!
I could go on but I think you get the gist!
Looking into 2014, this is what I see!
1. Double my income to 650k or better (I’ve successfully doubled my flow each year so I know I can do this!!)
2. Host my second live event in Park City, Utah with 100+ amazing women and men from around the world in June 2014 (Save the date for June 4, 5 and 6)
3. Add 10,000 peeps to my community
4. Host a retreat in Hawaii (where I live in the summers) in August with 10 amazing women (invite coming soon!)
5. Systematize my biz so it runs without me
6. Write my End Yo’ Money Drama Book by March 2014
7. Live in Hawaii with my family again for 3+ months
8. Move to France for 7+ months in November (my hubby has a work exchange inChamonix, France!!)
9. Launch my new AmandaMoxley.com site in January 2014
I know it’s a lot but I am a go getter so I know it’s all going to happen!
Clarity is Queen!
I am so ready to rock!!
I’d love to hear your goals and dreams for this new year!
In fact, this is what the POP your Biz Betty’s facebook page is all about!
Join us here!
Is 2014 going to be the year you POP?!
Abundantly yours,
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