EnergyIf you’ve been following my New Year’s tips to manifest  your BEST body then you’ll remember that yesterday, I asked you to take a deep dive into your inner dialogue around your food, body and exercise. I told you that your thoughts become things and what you focus on becomes your reality. I hope you had a chance to complete that exercise because today, I’m going to teach you how to manifest your best body in 2011 by replacing your negative self fulfilling thoughts into what you truly desire for your body and life!


Tip # 6: 5 Guaranteed Steps to Get YOUR Best Body in 30 Days

What was your reaction to your list of habitual sometimes unconscious thoughts about your body, food and exercise? Were you shocked and saddened by the mean things you told yourself? Or were your thoughts your best friend, increasing your self love and acceptance?

If you were shocked and saddened, take a deep breath and appreciate yourself for courageously looking within. Now take another deep breath because today is YOUR day to change and create a new reality!

In your journal answer these questions please:

1. What does my BEST body look like? In descriptive detail, write down exactly what your best body looks and feels like from toe to head. Example: “My calves are lean yet strong.” “My thighs are toned and powerful.” “My eyes are gorgeous, vibrant and magnetize incredible people and life experiences to me.” “My body feels lean, light, thin and toned. I love my body.”

Have a lot of fun with this! Be creative and giddy as you write and let it flow. It’s OK if you don’t believe it quite yet, just keep on breathing and focusing on what you WANT your BEST body to look and feel like.

2. By now you can feel that your vibration has shifted and you are feeling excited about what is possible for you! Good job.

Next, grab some 3 X 5 cards, colored pencils or sharpies and write out each of your new positive statements in the present positive tense.

3. Keep your cards in a place you can read them 3 x per day. I like to keep mine on my bedside table so that I can read them first thing when I wake up, and again when I go to sleep at night since this is the most precious time for your subconscious mind to receive new thought patterns. Take them with you in your purse and read them during the day too.

4. Repeat step 4 for 30 days straight.

5. When you read your cards, close your eyes take a deep breath and get into a feeling place of having your best body in this moment. This is the really juicy part which adds an extra punch to your manifestation.

mindThe final frontier for humankind is not space it is OUR MINDS so please, please, please take this tip very seriously and pour your entire heart and soul into it. I promise if you do so you will see evidence of your vibrational shift as soon as tomorrow.

This is how all of the great minds of our time have created anything. Now, it’s your turn to tap into the infinite SOURCE within you and let it happen for you once and for all because you KNOW you want it! I am here to tell you that you can HAVE IT ALL! In fact, it’s your birth rite!

Just believe!

Tomorrow night January 7th at midnight, the early bird bonuses for the Beautiful Woman Emerging program are flying away so don’t miss out and be sure to take advantage of the $50 off discount and receive a 1:1 Body and Soul Transformation Coaching Session with me!

This program is the most comprehensive, all inclusive food, body, cleansing and vision program I’ve ever created- and at such and amazingly affordable price it’s a complete no-brainer.

Ready to register? Click here. Or read on for more juicy details!

In Love and Radiance,


Introducing the “Beautiful Woman Emerging” Program 2011

3 powerful months to easily release excess weight and keep it off, start loving your body and living your dream life.

Program dates: January 18, 2011 to April 30th, 2011

Get your BEST BODY in 2011!

Heal and transform your food and body image issues once and for all, to release excess weight naturally and keep it off (think 8-25 pounds), and to free up masses amounts of energy so you can powerfully move forward with your awesome life.

I promise when you commit to yourself in this way your body and life will forever change as mine has and my clients!

I’m making this super easy and affordable for you because my mission is to empower as many women I can to love their bodies through food and inner work.

For less than $600 you will receive support for THREE WHOLE MONTHS, access to ALL SEVEN live calls, the “Beautiful Woman Emerging” downloadable guidebook, the insiders only Beautiful Woman forum to share your intentions, goals, recipes, get support and feedback from other women just like you, body and life changing coaching exercises, checklists, specialized body transformation journal format, recipes, quizzes, monthly accountability tracking forms, my 2-ebooks and access to me as your coach and mentor for three whole months. And don’t forget that everything you gain via this program is yours to keep forever – all the documents, e-books, tracking sheets, journal, audio recordings and more.

Go here to learn all about it!

Hurry and register by January 7th to receive $50 off AND receive a 1:1 Body and Soul transformation coaching session with me valued at $297. Be sure to use this secret code when checking out to claim your bonuses: BEAUTIFUL

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