I hope that you had an amazing Mother’s day weekend nurturing yourself and loving the women in your life. (Here’s a picture of Sawyer and I from our hike to Bells Canyon waterfall! He’s my training buddy.)
Now about YOU, I’m sending a very special broadcast today to all of you who have decided that NOW is your time to have the body and life you’ve always dreamed of having. You’ve felt the tugging on your heart strings and you know that now is your time to pull out all of the stops and go after your dreams in a really big way.
You are tired of struggling with your food and body image and you are ready to feel complete peace, freedom and confidence in your body so that you can confidently go out and share your brilliance with the world.
I’ve created the Radiant Body Soaring Spirit program specifically for those of you who have decided that 2010 is your year. We begin this week!
It is time to put yourself first on your “To Do” list!
I am ready for you!
Are you?
Is the Radiant Body Soaring Spirit Program for ME?
The Radiant Body Soaring Spirit program is calling your name if you are ready to:
* Be free of body obsessions (you know what I mean – obsessing about feeling fat or living in fear that your going to gain weight)
* Be free from body criticism (comparing yourself to other women, or how you used to be, or hating your body and beating it up 90% of your day)
* Stop using food to numb your feelings which leads to feeling guilty that you overate, then restricting yourself, then breaking your restrictive rules with binge eating, then starting the cycle over again
* Actually attain and MAINTAIN your perfect size 4, or 6, or 8 or 12.
* Feel smoking hot and radiantly healthy and totally confident in your body 24/7.
* MOVE ON with your amazing life – living your most authentic beautiful life of fun, adventure, travel and LOVE.
* SOAR and share your love and joy with the world and actually transform the world with your positive peace and energy!
Imagine who you will be on December 31,2010 after you have committed to yourself. How do you plan to make that happen? How will your life, body, business and environment look and feel after walking your talk and living your truth for 8 months and taking consistent daily focused action toward your ideal body and life of your dreams?
Imagine that you are free of all food and body issues. Your life is spacious and calm. You feel radiantly healthy, alive and energized every day. You love your body and feel totally hot and healthy in your own skin. This contagious feeling spills into every area of your life which brings you total joy, peace of mind, freedom, and intimacy.
Click here to read all about this incredible program and to join us!
Radiant Body Soaring Spirit Program Details for YOU!
The Radiant Body Soaring Spirit program is an 8 month long journey in an intimate group setting designed to fully support you in recreating and claiming the hot and radiantly healthy body you were born to have so that you can move on with sharing your brilliance with the world. I’ll be guiding you on a very fun inner journey… Here’s a taste of what’s to come:
We start in May with a 4 day Advanced Cleanse detox and a decluttering mission of your outer environment to make space for the NEW YOU!
In June we come together for an unforgettable retreat in the mountains near Salt Lake City with daily yoga, meditation, hands-on easy cooking classes, and more. You’ll leave the retreat re-energized and awake with total clarity and unwavering confidence in knowing how to manifest your Vision for your ideal body, work and life balance.
In July it’s time to breathe LIFE into your VISION. You’ll spend an entire month focused on BREATH WORK to release all fears, anxiety, stress, tension, doubt.
August through December are focused on embracing the feminine, loving your body, conquering your fears, and much, much more! In November when it’s cold, dark and gray we’re headed to Kauai, Hawaii for an unbelievable retreat experience.
You deserve this!
I know this is calling your name and you can have it! The next step is to go to www.RadiantBodySoaringSpirit.com
I am only taking 8 women with me and 4 of those spots have already been taken by PHENOMENAL women! Will you be joining us next?
Go here for more juicy details:
I hope that you take action if you know in your heart that this program is for you. Your time is now!
The next 8 months are going to be the best months of your entire life! I can’t wait to support you and watch all of your dreams come true.
Your Body Transformation Coach,
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