“Since doing the course my relationship to money has completely changed… I feel so good about money and magically it seems to like me more too.”
Since doing the course my relationship to money has completely changed.
I now track my money and spending and enjoy looking after my money. I have
changed many of my beliefs that I had inherited from my family and the media. I have been able to go from dreading my credit card bills to joyfully receiving them. I not only have a debt plan in place but am managing my money to allow me to buy my hearts desires too. I feel so good about money and magically it seems to like me more too.”
“I had been managing my money badly, or not managing it at all, for about 15
years. I never knew how much money I had in my account at any one time so
would continue to shop and buy regardless and would frequently go overdrawn at the end of the month.
I decided to start my own business and realizing the value of education enrolled on various courses and programmes but I never even thought about how I would pay off the debt that I was growing.
The situation got worse and worse until eventually, I was in complete denial
about it all. The credit card bills would arrive in the post and go straight into a
drawer often unopened. This meant I would often get late payment charges too.
When I heard about Amanda’s End Yo Money Drama programme, I knew
Immediately, I had to do it to end this once and for all. I listened to a recording of the preview call about a week after and missed the early bird offer but still thought ‘I have got to do this’
Amanda’s style is relaxed and intuitive. With her guidance I uncovered why I was in the situation I was and how to change it around.
Since doing the course my relationship to money has completely changed.
I now track my money and spending and enjoy looking after my money. I have
changed many of my beliefs that I had inherited from my family and the media. I have been able to go from dreading my credit card bills to joyfully receiving them. I not only have a debt plan in place but am managing my money to allow me to buy my hearts desires too. I feel so good about money and magically it seems to like me more too.”
Emily Thorpe
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