This week, being Valentine’s Day, begin to think with your heart and feel with your brain. What is it that you really, really desire for yourself? Point your big toe downstream and let yourself be carried by LIFE’S loving arms.
Are you trusting life or are you holding on controlling and in fear? Practice leaning back a little and letting go a little and watch the miracles appear. Trust that the same energy that rises the moon, stars and sun everyday is also the same energy which is supporting, guiding and loving you …. if you LET IT!
Now take a deep breath and let that little wisdom nugget settle into your bones.
You’ll love this week’s article tips for getting rid of cellulite! Let me know how it goes!
Back by popular demand! The 21 Day Body, Mind and Spirit Cleanse begins March 3, 2011. Read on for success stories and more details. Or click here to register.
Good news! I have an opening for one private client – if you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to work with me, this could be it. If this sounds like you, please click here to complete a brief Body Breakthrough Assessment form.
Happy Valentine’s day! Let yourself dream and desire all that is in that BIG heart of yours.
In Love and Radiance,
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