By Amanda Moxley

Happy June! Here’s a video of me and Sawyer (my 2 year young angel) hiking last night in the gorgeous mountains with some great tips for manifesting YOUR best body this summer.  Sawyer really steals the show in this video.  I can only imagine what he’ll be like as a teenager!  Join me tonight for a free call on this very topic.  Click here to register.

These simple steps are what I use when I am manifesting anything from a new car, to my ideal body, to new clients and opportunities.  Let me know how it goes for you!

This exercise will only take 10 minutes.  Get out your journal and do it right now!

Step 1:  Vision! Write down your heart’s desires.  What do you truly desire?  Please dream BIG!

Step 2:  Why do you really really want this? Get really clear on why you want this.  Write it out.  What is your big WHY?  If it’s in your heart, the desire has been birthed from Source and is destined to manifest.  Now you just have breathe life into your vision.

Step 3:  Breathe LIFE into your desires. Breathe deeply and TRUST that you will be loved, supported and provided for.  This is a non-action step.  Instead you relax and lean back into your desires and know that it is on it’s way.

Step 4:  Create a vision board with magazine cut outs, internet print outs etc of your vision.  Put your vision board somewhere you can see and feel it every day.

Step 5:  Trust (this is where most people give up!) Your ego will try to steal your excitement and shut you down.  Tell your ego who is BOSS and powerfully recommit to your vision.  Do not give up in the 11th hour!!

Step 6:  Take inspired action.  When you feel the nudge and inner voice, ACT. The Universe likes speed!  Don’t doubt, don’t delay instead powerfully ACT in faith on your inner knowing.

Happy manifesting!



You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:  Amanda Moxley, Body and Soul Coach, publishes the energizing and inspiring “Breath of Fresh Air E-Zine” every other Thursday for healthy people everywhere.  If you are ready to discover your perfect body in a way you’ve never learned how to before, get your FREE articles, tips, tools and recipes at:

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