Good news! Now is your chance to join me for my exclusive, Summer 2010 Get Hot and Healthy 21 day Master Program. During our 21 days together I’ll guide you through my all new “7 steps to Release the Fat that’s Holding You Back System.”
This master program is for you if you are ready to visualize, materialize and maintain your ideal body for life. I’ll be leading you through the very same system I used to release over 40 pounds (post baby), and that hundreds of my clients have used to transform their bodies.
The Get Hot and Healthy for Summer 2010 21 Day Program begins July 22nd and I want you to join me so that you can:
* Look and feel hot and healthy for summer (think swim suit:)
* Have a clearly defined VISION of your ideal body and then take the necessary action steps to manifest it
* Boost your body confidence
* Have the body of your dreams
* Know what to eat to feel energized and healthy
* Love what you see when you look in the mirror
* Feel peace with food and eating
* Be supported and successful
* Get clear on your heart’s desires
* Get over your food and body issues so that you can get out of your own way and start putting your attention, intention, heart and soul into going after what you really want in life – business success, abundance, having a baby, attracting your soul mate, fill in the blank for you!
* and more!
When you really feel amazing in your body, your entire world will shift. Like mine has.
**Gift** yourself this opportunity – you deserve it and will be so happy you did!
In a hurry? Click here to register!
This 21 day program is going to rock your world – starting with your body and trickling into every area of your life.
The investment for 21 days of radiant living is only $197 (that’s less that $50 a week for a new body!) until July 21st when the early-bird offer expires, so join us now and get started on looking and feeling better than you have in years!
I look forward to playing with you!
Your Body Transformation Coach,
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