You know the fastest ways to a million dollar business is to ELOPE. (Let me explain.)

I was laying in bed with my hubby the other night and I asked him a serious question, I started off by saying, “Johnn, I have decided that it’s OUR new normal to make 50K+ a month.” Yes, I have had several 50K months in my business over the years and months, including last month but they are not consistent, month after month (yet).

But still, inside of me, I needed his permission. I needed the green light of approval from my beloved, the one who believes in me more than anyone. And I needed to get him on board too in order for me to go all in.

I’ve been doing a ton of manifesting journaling every morning for all of 2017, and I realized I had not really DECIDED to claim my goal. I had declared it and said I wanted it, but I never full fledged owned it, decided it and declared in red hot DEEEESIRE until Saturday.

I posted sticky notes up all over the house and started dancing around the kitchen in front of the kids chanting “50k months are OUR new normal.” But it wasn’t landing in me even with my booty dance. Then in my journaling, I uncovered and discovered that YES we as a family requires 50k+ months in order for us to fulfill the dreams we want i.e.:

  • New gray trex deck to enjoy our mountain views
  • High frequency flooring in our downstairs
  • Private Waldorf education for the kids
  • Tutors, camps, gymnastic, skiing, tennis lessons for the kids
  • A marketing strategist in my business who implements
  • FB ads budget to broaden my impact and my reach to howl in my tribe of freedomista’s
  • Gifts and giving (Sawyer, my 8 year old soul shine and I want to build a home for the homeless with organic food, wellness programs, etc.)
  • Upleveled cars for Johnn and I (he is literally driving albeit a bad ass 4-Runner from 1995 that I drove in college, that he loves and I am driving a good car but not my dream car. I’ve never really cared about cars but I would love to up level now that I am 42! HA!)
  • More team to support me in my business
  • A team to help me get my End Your Money Drama book to Amazon #1 bestseller
  • A romantic 5-day lovefest with Johnn to Paris (1st class tix on the non-stop from SLC-Paris please)
  • An incredible, conscious, active, fun, healthy kid loving Mary Poppins to love up on the kids and be present with them
  • Monthly biz and personal outflows
  • Investing, saving and having money fund
  • And so much more…..

So back to the hot summer Saturday night in bed with Johnn talking, I let him know that YES we really DO require 50k months. I could tell he was a bit like, “really, we need that much?” (Maybe his resistance was a projection of my own disbelief. After all I am recovering, like most women from playing small and not being TOO big or TOO much.)”

And I said yes, if we’re really going to live our lives to the fullest and get to travel, educate our kids and have the amazing lives of our dreams, YES we require consistent 50K+ months. (He and I met as ski bums after college. I was a waitress and he was a dish dog/ski tuner back in 1999, money has never been our driver. A lot changed for me when I became a mother and I realized I was responsible for living my “vision board life” and giving my kids all that I had and more while growing up.)

But I have this yearning inside of me, DEEP inside of me. I want to be ALL that I can be. I want to see who I become as this woman who is allowing, serving and receiving at the 50k+ month frequency.

Can you relate to the deep DEEEESIRE and yearning inside?

(Mine might be the same thing inside of me that caused me to sign up for a running program and commit to 2 1/2 marathon’s this year. I just love the PROCESS of becoming and growing).

It’s not the goal I want. It’s the PROCESS I want to immerse myself in. Can you relate?

Johnn is on board now and he asks me, “So what do you want me to do? How can I help?”

I said this is going to take EPIC LEVELS OF POSITIVE EXPERIENCES to which he said ELOPE!! And I asked him if he’d ELOPE with me!! He said YES. It’s game on NOW!!

I believe that in order for all of us to stretch towards our goals and desires, we need to be epically POSITIVE!! (I remember my 8th grade teacher describing me as “Positively Positive” after all!)

  • High vibe.
  • It’s already-DONE mentality.
  • EXPECT it.
  • Elevate your new normal.
  • Act FROM where you want to be.

Would you like to join me in declaring, deciding and CLAIMING your income goals (for reals) in this BEST half of 2017? Reply back to this email and tell me YOU ARE IN!!

Cheering YOU on. It’s time for an #Uprising!

ELOPE- Epic Levels of Positive Experiences coming to you NOW!!

I intend to share more over the months ahead about how to CLAIM what you DEEEESIRE by the end of 2017. Looking forward to being on the journey with you, my love.



P.S. My high level exclusive 1:1 Launch IT mentoring program is LIVE!!


This is for you if you’re ready to launch your next program and get into massive JFDI action mode in 45 days or less.

This is for you if you want massive clarity on your next steps, learn how to leverage your time, ditch the dollars for hours mentality and scale your income out of struggle into abunDANCE.

You know you have a divine gift and you feel like the best kept secret and you can’t take it anymore.

It’s your time to make your move.

You are clear on your work in the world but you want help taking your gifts further out into the world so you can make the impact your soul is calling you forward into.

  • You want support with handling the voices in your head about being vulnerable and in the spot light so that you can be the channel that God is calling you to be.
  • You’re ready to rock your voice.
  • You are fired up,
  • Willing to do the work, no matter what.
  • Do stuff that scares you.
  • Get out of your comfort zone like raising your prices, packaging your programs, asking for the sale and receiving it.
  • This is your time and you’re two feet in.


  • 4 1:1 coaching calls with Amanda (Value $4,000)
  • Amanda’s Get Visible & Make Bank 4 week program (which teaches you how to create your transformational story, signature system and sell your programs online and offline) (Value $997)
  • Two tickets to Amanda’s next live event (Value $1,997)
  • FB messenger support with a 24 hour response window (not including weekends) (Value $3,000)

Total Value= $10,500

Investment Pay in full $1,997 or 2 payments of $1,250 or 3 payments of $900

Only 4 sacred spots available. Is one yours? Email me or message me now if you have any questions!

P.P.S. JFDI Fast Action Bonus when you decide in the next 24 hours- 75 minute VIP kickstart session with Amanda to hit the ground running.

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