Are you aware of your Body Barrier™?

Is your Body Barrier™ keeping extra weight on your belly, hips and thighs while keeping success OUT?

Your Coaching Assignment: Please answer these two questions..

What percentage of your time, thought and energy is spent on not liking your body, obsessing about food and feeling fat and unhealthy? ___________________

What is this costing you. Be specific. _________________________________

I’ve come to the incredible realization that when my clients and students identify their Body Barrier™ percentage they wake up and want to change!

Knowledge brings transformational power!

I’ve created a movement to help WOMEN move beyond their Body Barrier™ to free themselves from the chains of self-obsession, body hate, not enoughness and “I’m not worthy” thinking into spiritually self-empowered, inspirational, positive, global healing change-agents here to live their ultimate destiny in a body they feel radiantly energized and ALIVE in!

Are you with me?

If this speaks to you, (you know who you are:)  then I want to tell you that NOW is YOUR time!

In my new Body Barrier™ program, I’m going to share with you exactly how you can transform your BODY and MONEY story. Yes, really! I’ve done it myself and now it’s your turn.

Join me this Thursday, April 7th for a complimentary preview call for my Body Barrier™ program and learn:

* The quickest, fastest and easiest way to move beyond your Body Barrier™ without dieting or going to extreme measures

* Why anxiety and depression can be your greatest gift

*The 3 foods you must be eating to melt pounds and bring in the dough

* The mindset you must have to reach your perfect weight and size

* Who you need to become to make the money you desire in a body you feel gorgeous in

This call is for you if you are sick of being stuck in a body you hate and living a mediocre life that does not match your Spirit.

Join the movement!

Register here for the live call on Thursday at
6 MST (8 EST) or get the mp3.

Amanda pink top

It’s YOUR time!

In Love and Radiance,


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