I’m flying to Los Angeles today to be a keynote speaker at the Goddess Collective! This is my first out of state speaking gig and I’m thrilled to meet and support amazing new women in California.
This has been such an awesome week! On Tuesday, I received an unexpected call from the producer at KUTV2 inviting me to be a guest nutrition expert on their morning show! I’m excited to work with a second local news station. How cool is that?!
To think 1 year ago today, I was at my all time low with only $200 to my name and really struggling! If you are at a low, keep your chin up and realize out of this contrast only good can come to you! You can borrow my faith if you’d like! The truth is you were BORN to let your light SHINE brightly.
This week’s feature article will help you AMP up your light this week.
Attention! If you would like to continue to receive the Breath of Fresh Air ezine then you need to opt in to my new ezine list. I’m shifting out of constant contact in February. To make this extra step juicer for you, here’s a free visualization audio gift on How to Manifest Your Ideal Body this MONTH!
Click on the link then insert your info and you will automatically receive your free gift. Feel free to pass this free gift on to your friends and family!
Have a radiant weekend!
P.S. I’d love to extend a warm welcome to all of the new subscribers to my community this week! I love hearing about you so please drop me and email and say “hi” and tell me about you!
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