Dear Amanda,
Happy Holiday’s! Have you taken some time to reflect upon all that has manifested for you in 2010? Have you appreciated how far you have come and then shifted your focus to what you wish to create in 2011?
This has been an extraordinarily amazing year of personal and professional growth for me. Two years ago today, I was blessed to naturally give birth to my beautiful son, Sawyer at home. Ever since then, something has seriously shifted in me. I’ve felt empowered, motivated, focused, alive and ready to serve the world in a really huge way. It’s as if my son’s birth marked my own birth into my Life’s purpose. I feel like there is no time to waste any more – it is SHOW TIME and I simply cannot hold back anymore!
If you have been subscribing to the Breath of Fresh Air e-zine, you may have noticed this shift. Perhaps it has piqued your interest because you, too, are ready to make some serious strides in your personal growth and evolution.
Do you want to CLAIM your ideal body and live your life passionately, fearlessly and vibrantly?
You know…
This truly is one of the most challenging times of the year because of all of the food, sugary sweets, parties, stress of holiday shopping, cold and flu season, and short days (darkness). Despite our deepest intentions to not gain the typical 5-10 pounds, we somehow slip into the New Year feeling tired, unhealthy, overweight, heavy and in the depths of the winter blues.
We are skating on thin ice when everyone is shoving toffees, truffles, pies, breads, and alcohol in front of us. It’s fun to be with family and friends and cozy up around the fire, but I know like you do that the little voice inside you is saying “Listen to me! I want to feel hot and healthy, alive and free! Stop feeding me this crap!”
This year it’s going to be different!
In the not so distant past, I would come out of the holiday season feeling fat, tired, disgusted, sick, bloated and stuck. I had major health, food and body goals for the New Year but it all fizzled out around mid-January. I just wasn’t thriving under the scrutiny of a strict diet and exercise routine!
It’s been over 4 years that I haven’t gained a pound over the holidays because I figured out the exact perfect combination of foods, thoughts, feelings and activities to actually thrive and feel hot and healthy 365 days a year!
I want you to have the body you desire!
Really think about how you want your body to LOOK and FEEL in 2011.
Do you want to:
* Get a step-by-step, paint by numbers prescription for radiance?
* Gain total body and mind mastery?
* Feel hot and healthy walking down the beach in your two-piece?
* Claim absolute radiant health and body bliss?
* Have a stock pile of juicy recipes to help you along the way?
* Let go of self sabotaging habits which keep you stuck, feeling fat and uncomfortable FOREVER!?!
You may be thinking “That won’t work for me, I can’t do it.” Or, “What’s the point?”
Well…that’s your monkey mind (your ego) which keeps you separate, scared, anxious, and stuck exactly where you are, day after day, year after year!
You have to stop listening to that voice and instead powerfully begin to FOCUS on what you actually want in LIFE and for your BODY!
What you focus on expands!
I can be your guide all of the way! Please join me for my complimentary call next week, Wednesday December 29th at 6 MST on “Letting YOUR Inner Beauty Out!” to easily release excess weight and keep it off, start loving your body and living your dream life now.
This is my gift and my service to the world. I am exceptionally qualified to do this work:first, because of my own personal journey to having a hot and healthy body;second , because of my passion; and third, because of my experience guiding hundreds of clients just like you to claiming total body confidence!
Are you ready?
There’s something SO compelling, exciting, and fresh about having an entire NEW YEAR to look forward to. It’s as if we get a clean slate to start creating the life of our dreams.
What do you want to create in 2011?
Are you serious about CLAIMING the body you deserve to have in 2011?!
I know you are, and you want this! I’m here to serve. Together, we can do this!
I’m so excited to share this information with you next Wednesday the 29th of December on my “Letting YOUR Inner Beauty Out” call!
Click here to register! Don’t worry, the call will be recorded and available for you to listen to as soon as it is ready!
Wishing you the merriest of Holiday’s!
In love and radiance,
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