6 Figures in 6 Months Private VIP Package
Are you ready to live YOUR life on your terms supported by a thriving business that allows you to have the freedom based lifestyle you crave?
News Flash – Making more $ is way EASIER than making less. I used to think that having my own business was all about struggle and sacrifice, and putting myself and my needs last. Now I’ve learned the TRUTH: the more and better care I take of myself, the better I do in business!
That’s why I’m able to write this from beautiful Hawaii, where I’m blissfully getting started with the three great new VIP clients who’ve claimed three of the four spots in my 6 Figures in 6 Months the Healthy Way private coaching program! It takes faith to invest in yourself and take care of yourself before you totally believe you’re worth it – but it’s absolutely essential to your success (I know it was to mine!)
So I invite you to step up and grab the LAST SPOT in this program to work with me personally and give yourself and your business the love and attention they deserve! That leap of faith will totally transform you and your business inside of 6 months. I want you to have what I have – a life of passion and flow AND financial abundance, instead of struggling for so much less than you deserve. Click here to learn more or here to schedule a no-cost breakthrough session… and let’s get you started toward your transformation THIS YEAR!
— I will work with you for 6 months and show you EXACTLY how to do it!
If you are reading this and you are getting a FULL BODIED YES I want to be mentored by AMANDA privately feeling, then check out my 6 months to 6 figures coaching page by clicking here.
Next, email my team and I right away to set up a discovery strategy call. You will know if this is for you. I am so excited to be your guide on your journey to living your life based on YOUR terms making the money you desire and deserve.
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