We’re staring down the barrel of the BEST half of 2017 and it’s seriously TIME to decide and declare to CLAIM your DEEEEEESIRES for 2017 like the magical powerful alchemist YOU are!
You don’t just decide once. You decide over and over with every breath, in every new sunrise and with every intention that guides your actions.
Birthing your income goals, is literally like giving BIRTH and, if you’re a mama, you know that shiz was NOT easy breezy cover girl.
The wiser I grow, I realize it’s not about DOING more. It’s about BEINGNESS and acting as “IFness” that will deliver your DEEEESIRES to you on a silver platter.
Grab your journal and ask yourself:
- Who would I be BEING if I were already __________ (fill in the blank with your goal).
- How would I be feeling?
- What would my predominant VIBE be?
- What would I be thinking?
- What would I be believing at my core about money, success, my business, receiving and allowing?
Journal these questions every morning for 30 days. And, of course, ACT from what you hear.
Years ago, at the start of my business. I remember driving and hearing the still small voice inside of me BOOM “Amanda, you are not here to focus on SURVIVAL. You are a light worker and you are here to THRIVE.” Ever since, I’ve focused my energy on “How can I help? How can I serve?” I believe we are here to LET, not to GET anything. Let your divine GIFTS flow freely from you.
Today, in my journaling, this is what I got about my acting FROM…let me know what you think!
My 50K+ months are my new normal Amanda is so f’in beyond survival. She’s tens of thousands of dollars into THRIVING every day.
She’s focused on:
- Expansion, fun and jOY.
- Allowing and feeling GOOD
- The joys of creating and being POWERFUL
- Being a creatrix and a magician
- A weaver of the LIGHT
- Potent
- Commanding
- Strong
- Delighted and surprised and adored
- Being an alchemist
- Molding, shapping and creating REALITY
- Turning base metal into solid GOLD
- Being a medicine woman
- Shape Shifter
- High Priestess
- Center of all GOOD things
- Magical mermaid
- Wonder woman
- Ruler of my DESTINY
- Yielder of energy
- High VIBE feeling good and flying HIGH
I am not:
- A squirrel
- Hustler
- Trying to get something
- Emotions of anxiety, fear, doubt, disbelief, insecurity and worry
We, in our FUTURE High frequency fortunes, are above this world.. not of this world we walk among.
We dance in the multiverse in a higher frequency of feeling GOOD.
A new paradigm of abundance, success, prosperity, peace and love for ALL.
Heaven on earth.
You are magic
You are powerful
You are a weaver of LIGHT, an alchemist of LOVE.
THRIVE on soul sisters and brothers.
I SEE You.
It’s time for an #Uprising!
Love and gratitude to you.
Have an incredible weekend! Johnn and I are off for our fist SOLO road trip together in 8 YEARS of parenting. Let the SPARKS fly!!
P.S. My high level exclusive 1:1 Launch IT mentoring program is LIVE!!
This is for you if you’re ready to launch your next program and get into massive JFDI actin mode in 45 days or less.
This is for you if you want massive clarity on your next steps, learn how to leverage your time, ditch the dollars for hours mentality and scale your income out of struggle into abunDANCE.
You know you have a divine gift and you feel like the best kept secret and you can’t take it anymore.
It’s your time to make your move.
You are clear on your work in the world but you want help taking your gifts further out into the world so you can make the impact your soul is calling you forward into.
- You want support with handling the voices in your head about being vulnerable and in the spot light so that you can be the channel that God is calling you to be.
- You’re ready to rock your voice.
- You are fired up,
- Willing to do the work no matter what.
- Do stuff that scares you.
- Get out of your comfort zone like raising your prices, packaging your programs, asking for the sale and receiving it.
- This is your time and you’re two feet in.
- 4 1:1 coaching calls with Amanda (Value $4,000)
- Amanda’s Get Visible & Make Bank 4 week program (which teaches you how to create your transformational story, signature system and sell your programs online and offline) (Value $997)
- Two tickets to Amanda’s next live event (Value $1,997)
- FB messenger support with a 24 hour response window (not including weekends) (Value $3,000)
Total Value= $10,500
Investment Pay in full $1,997 or 2 payments of $1,250 or 3 payments of $900
Only 4 sacred spots available. Is one yours? Email me or message me now if you have any questions!
P.P.S. JFDI Fast Action Bonus when you decide in the next 24 hours- 75 minute VIP kickstart session with Amanda to hit the ground running.
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