
This week, I have been joyfully enjoying some delicious time off from “work” as usual. Scheduling in big chunks of time for yourself to really receive the fruits of your labors is crucial for the entrepreneurial soul! Grab your calendar and schedule some time off right now!

A few nights ago, I woke up under the star filled night and I heard this repeat in my head “THANK YOU Universe for you have HEARD ME.” These days, I am in utter gratitude and appreciation for the abundance of ideal clients I get to support and mentor, my beautiful family, fun conscious friends to play with and to be living in Hawaii right now.

The Universe and MONEY really really desire to give you everything you desire!

Your job is to focus on your DESIRES and then get out of your own way so that you can be LOVED, claimed and ADORED by the Divine and Money. It can all happen very very fast if you let it! My life these days is everything I have always dreamed of!

I recorded a new video for you on this subject. Enjoy, my love!

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world!

Abundantly yours,


P.S. I want to extend a BIG loving virtual welcome to all of my new subscribers this week!


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