How supported do you feel in your biz right now? Do you have a mentor in your corner working with you side by side in your biz? Do you feel like you’re on the right track with accomplishing and receiving your biz dreams and visions? Or do you feel alone? Isolated? And like you’re throwing spaghetti against the wall?
Every successful person has a mentor or coach on their team, supporting them and blowing the whistle on their blind spots.
Going it alone makes it so much harder!
- A mentor can help you see what you can not see.
- A mentor can hold a bigger vision of YOU that you can stretch into
- A mentor has WISDOM, skills, strategies, and knowledge that you don’t have
- A mentor holds you accountable to following through with your actions
- A mentor kicks your butt to #JFDI and get shiz done NOW vs putting it off
- A mentor can help you get clarity, focus and take action
- A mentor can hold you to the highest standards of excellence so you show up and ACT as the biz woman you want to be!
Here’s what I’ve been able to accomplish with my various coaches and mentors over the past 5 years being
- Grew my income from 40k to over 1 million dollars of revenue over 5 years
- Nailed down my messaging and signature systems to serve my clients and get them amazing results
- Learned how to run profitable live events that generate over 6 figures in a weekend (x6)
- Launched several branded websites over the years (have you seen my new LOOK at
- Grew my tribe from 30 people to over 10,000 international #freedomistas
Here’s what my coaching investments have looked like
- 2009-2011 My first coach was 10k the first year, and year two was 7k. Paid for it in cash and traveled to the UK with my 4 month old son for coaching with her for 2 days. I made around 50k each of these years.
- 15k for my second coach in 2011 for a 3 month coaching program put it on my CC. Hit my rock bottom by Feb 2011.
- Feb 2011-September 2012. Hired my third coach and invested 113k (most was paid for in cash and some financed on my CC) I grew my income from 50k —>125k in 2011 after my rock bottom.
- And 2012, 187k Totally worth IT! Spent 3 months in Hawaii with my family. Also conceived a baby, and had a home water birth while raising my 2 year old son! (I’m awesome! And my mentor helped me SEE THAT and OWN IT!)
- 2013-2015 Invested 30k cash the first year and 18k the second year to work with my mentor who taught me how to run my first event and create my first master mind. In those two years, I grossed 558K. Moved into our dream house in 2014. Spent 6 months in Hawaii with my family.
- 2015- Had a hard year upper limiting and expanding into our new house. I was also “coachless” most of the year. Spent 3 months in Hawaii with my family. Finished the year around 180k
- 2016- Invested 28k for coaching and pro videos and made 225k. Learned to open my heart in a HUGE way and LOVE and serve my clients in a whole new way.
- I’ve also invested in various coaching programs, classes, master minds, done for you programs etc over these years, which brings my coaching and mentoring outflows well past the 200k mark. I could NEVER have done this on my own with my own thinking and perceptions.
And honestly NEITHER can YOU!
That’s why I am so in LOVE with my LAUNCH IT 1:1 Mentoring program.
Here’s why…
You get ME and my 12 years coaching experience and ALL of my knowledge, strategies, wisdom, heart and LOVE in a high touch 1:1 24/7 accessible (minus weekends) coaching program!
I know that Launch It is an answered prayer… it helps my clients BIG time and it can help you too…
- Take action on the shiz you’re waffling around about
- Get clarity on the stuff you’re tossing and turning about
- Get shit done that has been nagging at you to complete
- Get focused on what matters and what makes you money
- Prioritize income generating activities and back end must have’s to LAUNCH YOUR biz
- Make it happen— all of it! You have no idea how powerful you are with a coach with you side by side!
- Get results- no more excuses, you can do this!
This is perfect for you if you’re craving accountability, strategy, how to’s and someone to get under the hood of your business with you and map out what your next best steps are to get your dreams.
If this is you, ACT now because I only have 3 spaces available! Email me back for more details or read through the P.S. and JUMP IN NOW.
JFDI Fast Action Bonus when you decide in the next 24 hours to join LAUNCH IT- You’ll receive an additional 75 minute VIP kickstart session with Amanda to hit the ground running.
I’ve got tons of success stories on my website from very happy clients like YOU who I’ve worked with.
Now it’s YOUR turn!
AWESOME NEWS! FOR THIS WEEK ONLY!! Exclusive 1:1 Launch IT mentoring program is BACK!!!
This is for you if you’re ready to launch your next program and get into massive JFDI actin mode in 45 days or less.
This is for you if you want massive clarity on your next steps, learn how to leverage your time, ditch the dollars for hours mentality and scale your income out of struggle into abunDANCE.
You know you have a divine gift and you feel like the best kept secret and you can’t take it anymore.
It’s your time to make your move.
You are clear on your work in the world but you want help taking your gifts further out into the world so you can make the impact your soul is calling you forward into.
- You want support with handling the voices in your head about being vulnerable and in the spot light so that you can be the channel that God is calling you to be.
- You’re ready to rock your voice.
- You are fired up.
- Willing to do the work no matter what.
- Do stuff that scares you.
- Get out of your comfort zone like raising your prices, packaging your programs, asking for the sale and receiving it.
- This is your time and you’re two feet in.
- 4 1:1 coaching calls with Amanda (Value $4,000)
- Amanda’s Get Visible & Make Bank 4 week program (which teaches you how to create your transformational story, signature system and sell your programs online and offline) (Value $997)
- Two tickets to Amanda’s next live event (Value $1,997)
- FB messenger support with a 24 hour response window (not including weekends) (Value $3,000)
Total Value= $10,500
Investment Pay in full $1,997 or 2 payments of $1,250 or 3 payments of $900
Only 3 sacred spots available. Is one yours? Email me or message me now if you have any questions!
JFDI Fast Action Bonus when you decide in the next 24 hours- 75 minute VIP kickstart session with Amanda to hit the ground running.
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