I received this heartfelt feed back from one of my readers today about my best BODY tips. I’m so grateful for feedback like this because it tells me that my message is reaching YOU.

“I appreciate you and the gift you have given me. I just started the daily envisioning of the me my soul is waiting for, and practicing positive affirmations. My attitude and general outlook has changed, in just a few days, from hope-less to hope-full. It’s wonderful to feel love for myself. Thank you, Amanda.”

Ahh…. that feels good!

Now for today’s best BODY Tip: #7 Cleanse and Purify your Mind, Body and Soul

In order to manifest your best body, I really believe that you need to go through some sort of a spiritual cleansing experience from your heart and soul not from your ego or will power.

For thousands of years, countless cultures and spiritual traditions have relied on rituals of cleansing and detoxification to purify body, mind and spirit. But with the advent of food production as big business, our current culture has completely abandoned these simple practices.

Here are my favorite reasons for cleansing:

1.  A cleanse can be a profound turning point in your relationship with food (it was for me). When you break free of foods that you know do not support you for a period of time, it can loosen their negative grip on you.  This results in feeling more powerful and confident in your body.

You can let go of unhealthy food cravings and bad habits and never crave them again. I know this is true because every time I cleanse I have intense cravings for particular foods.  For example, during one of my first cleanses, I had been eating processed protein bars every day.  During the cleanse I stopped eating them.  I craved them like crazy, then once the cleanse was over I had one and was disgusted by the artificial-ness of it.

Taking a break from unhealthy food you know doesn’t support your body and spirit can break you free from the power of unhealthy habits and cravings and give you the confidence and trust in your body to not eat them any more.

2.  Cleansing can add years to your life by restoring your internal organs and moving toxins out of your body. The time you spend cleansing will rest your digestive system so that your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system can move the toxins and accumulated waste out of your body.  This process enables the body to rid itself of excess weight, prevent disease and restore overall balance.

3.  My favorite part about cleansing is the spiritual awakening that may occur in the absence of using food to stuff emotions (a.k.a. habitual food cravings).  During a cleanse, you can be present to your Spirit and gain total clarity and vision.

While breaking from unhealthy and habitual foods, the body may have cellular memories of past emotions and experiences.  When you rid the body of these old memories and emotions, space for new intentions, dreams and visions is created.  It clears the space so that your Spirit can talk to you. While cleansing it’s possible to feel an intense high, unbounded energy, clarity and radiance.

I have to caution you that it’s very important to cleanse under the supervision of a professional, mentor or spiritual ally because you run the risk of setting yourself up for failure and approaching a cleanse with the diet mentality. This is not a diet, it’s a tool for spiritual awakening and liberation.

I’ve successfully guided over a hundred women and men through my 21 Day Body, Mind and Spirit Cleanse since 2007. I know the journey intimately and am skilled in helping my clients when they are up against a wall with cravings or going about it with will power and ego. I teach them how to move deeper into LOVE and listening so that real significant life lasting change can manifest.

You can read more about my 21 Day Body, Mind and Spirit Cleanse here. I’ll be leading the Beautiful Woman Emerging group through this exact process starting next Tuesday and you can read more about that program here.

Happy Manifesting!

In Love and Radiance,


Introducing the “Beautiful Woman Emerging” Program 2011

3 powerful months to easily release excess weight and keep it off, start loving your body and living your dream life.

Program dates: January 18, 2011 to April 30th, 2011

Get your BEST BODY in 2011!

Heal and transform your food and body image issues once and for all, to release excess weight naturally and keep it off (think 8-25 pounds), and to free up masses amounts of energy so you can powerfully move forward with your awesome life.

I promise when you commit to yourself in this way your body and life will forever change as mine has and my clients!

I’m making this super easy and affordable for you because my mission is to empower as many women I can to love their bodies through food and inner work.

For less than $600 you will receive support for THREE WHOLE MONTHS, access to ALL SEVEN live calls, the “Beautiful Woman Emerging” downloadable guidebook, the insiders only Beautiful Woman forum to share your intentions, goals, recipes, get support and feedback from other women just like you, body and life changing coaching exercises, checklists, specialized body transformation journal format, recipes, quizzes, monthly accountability tracking forms, my 2-ebooks and access to me as your coach and mentor for three whole months. And don’t forget that everything you gain via this program is yours to keep forever – all the documents, e-books, tracking sheets, journal, audio recordings and more.

Go here to learn all about it!


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