I missed you last week. I have been transitioning back to life in Utah after living in Hawaii all summer. I feel like nothing in our house feels like me anymore. We up-leveled our environment and frequency so much that my molecules are rearranged and I no longer fit in here. Have you ever felt like that? Little things like our bed and sheets don’t even feel like us anymore! I’m making space for what’s to come by de-cluttering and cleansing out everything that is no longer in alignment with me. That feels good! Try it!
I wanted to share this beautiful picture with you of Johnn and I from our 7th year Anniversary celebration. We were married in this beautiful spot in Alta, and actually fell in love here thirteen years ago. I love him so much. We brought our kids and restated our vows to one another and relived our wedding night while making intentions for the next 7 years to come.
Anyway, after all that time in the feminine beauty of Hawaii, I feel more sensual, vulnerable and fiercely feminine. I think this picture tells it all. I like softening and being loved.
This week’s video ezine is all about GROWING PAINS and stretching into your greatness. I shot it from my favorite hike near my house in the Wasatch Mountains. After I recorded it, I realized that there are a few more things I’d like to add to it. If you’d like read this week’s feature article tomorrow to take this subject a little deeper with me, please do!
Have a wonderful weekend! Be open to receiving more and more love and abundance.
Love and Radiance,
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