by admin | Jan 22, 2012 | Inspirational Articles, Uncategorized |
The truth is there is no lack in the universe. You are sourced, fueled and funded by a renewable resource which is within you. It never runs out, it is your essence, it’s your life. Money is a renewable energy that can never be created nor destroyed. The more
by admin | Jan 21, 2012 | Announcements |
If I can heal my money story and create well over a 6 figure business in less than a year, you can too and I’ll show you how. Imagine doubling your income in the next 6 months. Imagine being booked solid with perfect clients. Imagine receiving media attention, more
by admin | Jan 20, 2012 | Announcements |
For the past 6 years, I’ve been writing about health, whole foods nutrition, overcoming emotional eating, ending food sabotage, loving your body, healing and the law of attraction in the Breath of Fresh Air ezine. I experienced my own body transformation from more
by admin | Jan 11, 2012 | Announcements |
Has this ever happened to you? You get in your car, start it up and hit the gas. The engine revs, you burn rubber – but you go nowhere, or REALLY S-L-O-W. Then you realize. You’re trying to drive the brake on. That’s what I see so many women doing in more
by admin | Jan 5, 2012 | Announcements |
I recorded a no-cost training series call this week on your “New Year, New Money Story”, these calls are truly transformational. If you have not heard them yet, I urge you to gift yourself some “you” time to receive the blessing of more
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