Crazy-Simple, Road-Tested Money-Making Tips to pop yo’ Biz to 6 figures and beyond!
Here’s my magic 8-step manifestation process!
I know all this manifesting stuff can sound a little “woo-woo.” And I won’t lie, there is a BIG spiritual component. But at the same time, there are a few practical things you need to know: First: while it can look like magic, it’s a process, like any other process....
read moreThe TRUTH about manifesting!
Ever since The Secret, manifesting has gotten totally misrepresented. Watching that movie, you’d think that ALL you had to do was just imagine and believe you could have what you wanted, and POOF! You’d instantly get it. Naturally a lot of people were a little...
read moreGood things come to those who…settle?
It absolutely kills me. Every day I see heart-centered women entrepreneurs working their butts off, and only receiving the crumbs of life. “No one I know would ever pay THAT much…” “The only clients I find are the ones who can’t afford me…” “I have to work this hard,...
read more20 tips that make you look like a pro speaker ASAP!
When I first talk to my clients and students about speaking on stage for their business, some of them freeze in complete and utter terror. “But...I’m not a professional speaker, Amanda! Ok, it’s true, some people DO train for years to give paid keynotes at corporate...
read more[VIDEO] Stop settling and go all in!
[VIDEO] Here’s a peek behind the scenes of my new program!
I was thinking about you and how to describe my new Moxley Method program to you. I could tell you it’s like nothing else out there in terms of how much personal guidance and individual feedback you get (unheard of in most group programs!) I could explain how in just...
read moreThe secret to getting the high-end clients
There’s a myth that almost all coaches and consultants fall into. (I did!) It’s the one that says that it’s easier to sell lower-priced programs than the high-ticket ones. That you need to peddle $97 to $997 products for years and then maybe, if you’re “ready” you...
read moreClients come running when you do YOU!
When I got started as an entrepreneur, one of my biggest frustrations with coaches was that they wanted to put me in a box. I was a health coach, so I was supposed to talk about certain things and not about others, like spirituality or wealth. Then when I shifted into...
read moreYour fortune is in what you can’t see!
I was just adding up all I’ve invested in mentorship and coaching over the years. Let me tell you, it’s been pretty significant! Every year since 2011, I’ve put at least $20,000 into getting the mentorship I needed. One year, I invested $100k (yes!! True!) Was it...
read moreNo one has it better than you!
When you see other women entrepreneurs sharing their message, making an impact, enjoying their freedom and their financial rewards, do you get inspired….or depressed? “I’m not like her.” “I could never do that.” “I’m not smart enough” (or thin enough, spiritual...
read moreGive your clients this gift!
All the coaches and consultants I know who are succeeding in having a business that makes great, consistent moolah without running them ragged (me included) have a step-by-step system that they take their clients through. It works for your clients because they love...
read moreSomeone had to say it!
Um...did we miss something? Or have you just not shared your message with the world yet? Maybe it’s because you haven’t quite nailed it down yet, or you’re not sure who you’re talking to, or what you’re saying is just not landing and you’re hearing crickets, or --...
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