Are YOU Ready to Finally Step into and EXPERIENCE
Being Seen, Being Heard, Being YOU and Making Bank
as a Speaker in the Spotlight Sharing Your STORY
and changing LIVES…
in just 3 Unforgettable Days?

 October 26-28th, 2017 in gorgeous Park City, Utah

When you are on stage, you feel seen, heard and witnessed. You get to have fun. Play with the energy. Own the room. Weave the energy of the room. Change lives and let people fall in love with you…

You get to be you and make bank.

 But if you’re hiding behind your computer, wasting away on social media in your basement, money can’t see you, clients can’t feel you or connect with you or HIRE you and you stay frustrated feeling like the best-kept secret

Being LIVE (on stage or video) is electrifying!

It collapses the know like and trust factor.

It weeds out the non-ideal clients.

It magnetizes the perfect clients to you by YOU being you.

If you love people, have a big heart and you want to help then you need to use speaking and the power of connection to 10X your business this year.

I want to teach you my secrets to powerfully connecting, being vulnerable, hooking in your tribe with your signature talk style and “seminar story”.

I’ve been in business since 2005 within my first year I was making 40k to 50k which wasn’t bad considering all I ever made before that was around 17k a year.

Here’s what I did:

1. My focus was to help and serve people and help them transform and claim their dreams

2. I leaned on my LOVE for them and the connection I felt for them and how I saw them, I held a big vision for who they are and I saw them in a way they did not see themselves ( I did this as a Bikram Yoga Instructor. I taught 6-10 classes a week to classes of 20 to 50 people. They fell in love with me, I fell in love with them.

3. I created several signature talks and shared them locally and online

4. I filled my coaching practice and got to work with clients

Then I moved everything online once my first baby was home water birthed in 2009.

BUT I felt invisible online.
I missed the power of connection I had live.
I did not feel seen or heard and I certainly was not getting paid.

I constantly compared myself to everyone else online.
I haunted every free class looking for the magic bullet.
I hired the big coaches, did the big programs.

I started doing videos and teleclasses and it took a long time to get clients online.

I worked behind the scenes on my business. Building out the branding, developing high-end packages, hosting telesummits, having sales calls, hustling, working hard.

Then, I got asked to speak in California at a few events from women I met online. 

One of which, I had no script or flow, I just showed up and deeply connected with my heart and my passion for how much I loved them and wanted them to feel loved and worthy of receiving the money they wanted in their biz.

I openly cried. I was vulnerable. Real. Raw. 100% Amanda.

The result, 10k clients signing up with ease (even to this day, women I met from that event fell in LOVE with me and my heart and knew my heart was the gift they needed in their business to help them POP to their next level.)

And of course, they saw my lightning success and knew I could teach them my strategies and how to’s.

Being on stage automatically positions you as the expert, the BIG cheese.

Your credibility goes through the roof.

This is why you gotta get on stage, baby!


Once I had a taste of being on stage at a BIG event, I wanted to host my own. 

Fast forward 18 months, I was standing on my stage with my tribe of 80 women at my first ever live event on my home turf. 

I’ve hosted six 6 figure + events since 2013. So you’re probably at the point where you’ve been at a zillion events and networking events. You’ve eaten the rubber chicken and your ass has fallen asleep from SITTING and watching some other expert on stage woo the crowd and make bank. 

So you’re probably at the point where you’ve been at a zillion events and networking events. You’ve eaten the rubber chicken and your ass has fallen asleep from SITTING and watching some other expert on stage woo the crowd and make bank. 

And you’re sitting there bored as shit because you’ve heard it all, seen it all and YOU want to JUMP on that STAGE. Grab the MIC and OWN the ROOM with YOUR heart, your message, YOUR love, your STORY, your fun personality, passion and power. 

Am I right or am I right? 


I ditched my 15 year day job and stable income just weeks before meeting Amanda.

She helped me blow past my fear storm of leaving security and showed me how to hustle. As a result I wrote my new book in 86 days, quadrupled my mailing list, wrote 2 new programs and had my highest sales day ever. That one day was more money than the prior 4 months added together.

Jessica Wyman

Author of Finding Your Foxy and Girlfriends Organic Kitchen

Contemplating being in the exact same spot I am a year from now was not okay.  Investing in myself and my future has truly empowered me.  Amanda has an amazing energy and a true gift that is both inspirational and wildly knowledgeable and informative.  The group of women involved in this group are high energy and ready to kick some butt.  I am psyched for our Journey to Paradise!

Laura Smith

Amanda has such a beautiful way of talking about our money story.  We all have limiting beliefs around money, and she calls us out in a way that is loving and innovate yet firm.

She provides such an awesome container of support through this course.  I love her purposeful, direct, yet down to earth style!  After taking her course I have a daily practice around transforming my wealth consciousness to continue up-leveling myself in every way.

Heather Jernigan

Private Launch Coach



Speaker Boutique Bootcamp



Here’s what you’ll receive

This is a never been seen – never been done- one of a kind event for speakers who want to grab the mic and get on stage this year!

 Get crystal clear on mastering your messaging to impact millions & make millions at the same time!

 Dive deep into your personal story for the juicy nuggets and key points to create a powerful signature talk that you can repurpose in all of your marketing channels.

 Craft your talk introduction to create vulnerability, connection and showcase your expertise. (you need all three!)

 Organize your top 3 to 5 talking points filled with value and tangible action steps to galvanize your audiences.

 Master the art of gently seeding” your offers throughout your talk, making the close an easier transition for you, and an easier “yes” for them!

 Learn how to build trust, respect and deep connection with your audience to help soften the close and make it feel like a GIFT, not a sale.

 Learn how to activate the gap”. ( a skill you’ll use in everything you do in business from here on out!)

 Name your signature talk with a rocking HOT name that attracts the best leads – the ones that convert into cash!


Speaker Boutique Bootcamp



And you have 2 WAYS you Can EXPERIENCE all of this!



Spotlight “Pro Speak on Stage” Package!

(Limited Spots Available)





Attend the 3 day Speaker Boutique Bootcamp LIVE immersion with me
and LEARN everything you need to know to Be Seen, Be Heard,
BE YOU and Make Bank!

What this Event Is

This is an intimate gathering of other high vibe powerful female tribal leaders like you.

They have worked hard and hustled and slayed a ton of dragons to be where they are today, sitting next to you ready to take the MIC and Speak on Stage!!

This is the place for million dollar ah ha’s, strategic planning and where sisterhood is created and fun, freedom and feeling good are on the forefront of your mind.

You will walk out of here feeling empowered around your message, ready to speak, sell and serve at your highest level this year!



Working with Amanda completely altered the course of my life. When I started the Healthy Wealthy Biz School I was a struggling intuitive photographer lacking the ability to fully understand my value by only charging $250 for my photo sessions.

As you can imagine, investing in myself was really difficult to do based on what I was earning every month. But I’m so glad I did because by diving into the HWBS I was able to reformat my business and increase my rates tenfold. I now offer Photographic Branding and Transformational Coaching to elevate conscious entrepreneurs so they can attract more clients and thrive on every level.

I’ve had such amazing success with my clients and as such I’m now well on my way to making 6 figures. I highly recommend hiring Amanda, don’t delay on creating the life and business of your dreams.

Heather Pennell

Photographic Branding and Transformational Coaching Expert

Before Amanda’s End Yo Money Drama Program I was literally petrified when it came to my financial future. I had spent all of my savings, was starting up a new business and finishing my last semester of college while struggling between feelings of indifference and gut-wrenching fear over my money.

As a pre-med and anthropology major, I had no idea how to balance a spread sheet let alone set solid financial goals for myself and my business. The End Yo Money Drama Program catapulted me from a world of lack to excitement and abundance.

The group atmosphere was amazing and the calls were 60-minute explosions of inspiration and amazing tools that I use every day.Now I love handling my money and am confidently watching my business grow.

Trine Vik

Blood Clot Specialist

Before coaching with Amanda, I was struggling to get the money & the confidence to manifest my dream of moving to California. I signed up for Amanda’s Lean, Lovin’ Money Making Machine Program on an intuitive hit, and I was blown away by my results!

I set the intention to manifest $10K and move to California by the time the program was finished.  I brought in 8.5K in the first month!  I had NEVER made that much money before in one month, and the coolest thing was how easily and gracefully I brought it in.  I was juicing, doing yoga, buying myself luxurious skin care products, getting massage and taking care of myself like I had never done before. Amanda’s positivity, her commitment to high frequency living and go-getter guidance was EXACTLY what I needed.  I completed the move & found the perfect house in Santa Barbara.  PLUS, my business since then has skyrocketed!  I’m now making 8-10K per month regularly.  I can’t endorse Amanda’s wealth, business & health coaching enough!

Kara Gilligan

Spiritual Life Coach

Speaker Boutique Bootcamp



*Schedule subject to change!   

Thursday October 26th, 2017
8am to 9am



(Value $1,497)

DAY 1 

Master Your Unique Story and Core Message and Shine like the Super NOVA you are!

Thursday October 26th, 2017 Day 1 (Value $1,497)
Energizing Day Session: 9am – 5pm
Fun Evening Session: 6:30 – 8:30pm

 Own the room and show up to serve, lead and love

 Learn how to be vulnerable, real and raw without losing your credibility or expert status

 Learn how to deeply connect through the power of your heart to lead, inspire and transform the room

 The past is over, but you can still CASH in on it! Learn how to turn your personal story into your own transformational story to connect with and attract your tribe and make GREAT money doing it!

 Get visible without fear and shine so that ideal clients, opportunities, speaking gigs, media and money can find YOU!

 What you need to change, both strategically and internally, to become the speaker who receives 10k, 20k, 50K and 80k months with ease and joy

 Release generational limiting beliefs about being visible, showing up, leading, being in the spotlight, abundance, wealth and prosperity so that you can truly be, do and have anything you desire   

 Watch real life speakers on stage, offer kind and constructive feedback, get inspired and take action


(Value $1,497)

DAY 2 

Craft Your Signature Talk and Unleash YOUR True Voice

Friday October 27th, 2017 Day 2 (Value $1497)
Energizing Day Session: 9am – 5pm
Fun Evening Session: 6:30- 8:30pm

 Learn how to craft your talk introduction to create vulnerability, connection and showcase your expertise. (you need all three!)

 Organize your top 3 to 5 talking points filled with value and tangible action steps to galvanize your audiences.

 Master the art of gently seeding” your offers throughout your talk, making the close an easier transition for you, and an easier “yes” for them!

 Learn how to build trust, respect and deep connection with your audience to help soften the close and make it feel like a GIFT, not a sale.

 Learn how to activate the gap”. ( a skill you’ll use in everything you do in business from here on out!)

 Name your signature talk with a rocking HOT name that attracts the best leads – the ones that convert into cash!

 How to add limiters, bonuses and fast action deals to increase the urgency and serve more and make more

 You’ll learn powerful techniques to protect, purify and recharge your energy from being in the public eye. Making it less draining to lead your tribe and expand your reach and service around the globe.



(Value $1,497)


Moving from Sales to Service and Opening Your Heart to Receive BIG Pay days! 

Saturday October 28th, 2017 Day 3 (Value $1,497)
Energizing Day Session: 9am – 5pm   

 Learn how to handle critics, crazy people and f’d up feedback (it happens to all of us)

 Learn how to open your heart to give love and receive love without fear of rejection when asking for the sale on stage and online

 Create Juicy Heart Based Goals to Triple Your Sales and Serve Your Ideal Clients and YOU!

 Go on a Dive Deep into Overcoming Sales Objections so that your audience and clients say YES

 Receive laser coaching on how to move out of sales and into service and close the deal

 Celebrate your success no matter what

 The fortune is in the follow up, learn Amanda’s magic follow up system

 Watch real life speakers on stage, offer kind and constructive feedback, get inspired and take action



I decided to invest my time, energy and financial resources to work with Amanda as my mentor simply because she reflects the exact key pieces that were a gap in my business and life.

She’s all the way systems which I need, yet she understands the need to enjoy your life, and have fun while making money. She’s real and transparent, share’s best practices and already is holding me accountable to what I say is next for me.  Amanda is right there in the trenches, balancing family life and a full time thriving business, yet has a get it done attitude that is unmatched and suits my style of learning- fun, fresh and financially focused.

Natasha Allrich

The Soulful Sales Expert & Coach

I am so excited to have joined forces with Amanda and her Freedom Based Lifestyle Coaching, Journey to Paradise.  Her guidance is a combination of spirituality and business ethics.  She really understands the importance of focus, clarity, scheduling and determination.  Her coaching is  extremely positive and helps me to move beyond the limited beliefs that I hold when it comes to creating a profitable business. I am looking forward to creating my first 6 figure year under Amanda Moxley’s business guidance.

Terri A. Heiman

Chief Executive Officer

I was facing putting my 8 month old son in daycare so I had time to work and I wanted to move into a bigger place but didn’t see how I would be able to afford it. As a result of implementing the tools Amanda taught in her End Your Money Drama and POP Your Biz courses I was able to bring in over $6,000 in just a week and a half. I was making between $600-$1000 per month before that course. I now have my nanny taking care of my son in the next room, have successfully launched my Live Your Vision Board Life online course, hosted my first online conference call, and am moving at the end of the month. My business is skyrocketing and I’m excited to see it continue to grow!

Cassie Lopez

Intuitive Business and Lifestyle Transformation Coach


We’ll come together for 3 juicy divine days focused on YOU in a cozy and safe space to strip down to your essential self and craft your simple step- by- step BE SEEN, BE HEARD, BE YOU and MAKE BANK plan and learn how to speak on stage sharing your unique voice and message.

 Three-day private closed door event with Amanda Moxley and other successful high vibrational female leaders who want to SPEAK and lead – a safe space for you to strip down to your essential self! (Value: $4,491)

 Pre event welcome packet to help me learn and know more about YOU and your unique business, dreams and goals (Value: $197)

 Pre event group intention setting call.  First, we’ll get on the phone together to get grounded and centered…and declare our intentions for the 3-day event, so you will arrive in the mountains ready for a  PEAK experience and life-changing results in your biz and life!! (Value: $197)

 Yoga with my favorite private yoga instructor to open you up to connect deeply with the essential YOU (Value: $44)

 Special meditations and sacred rituals to release the old and generate the new (Value: Priceless)

 Private members only Online forum to network and create lifelong authentic friendships and partnerships (Value: Priceless)best work with clients)




The Early Enrollment Investment for the 3 DAY SPEAKER BOUTIQUE BOOTCAMP $497 or two payments of $297 or 3 pay of $197.

But don’t wait too long… As the event gets closer, the price will go up so tune in, listen to you gut and grab your ticket now!

Full Pay

Payment Plan


Includes pro video, pro pics, pro training fro me and SPOTLIGHT speaking SPOT at the

Speaker Boutique Bootcamp


As you can see, the value of Speaker Boutique Camp as well as the bonuses isis well over $9,000!

And the skills, foundation and transformation of getting VISIBLE, grabbing the MIC, getting on STAGE, finding your voice, creating your signature talk, asking for the sale and then enrolling potential clients into paid clients will give you a complete repeatable system to multiply your message and make an enormous impact on your financial success for years to come.

Hands down, this is the ultimate and elegantly SIMPLE program for women entrepreneurs who want to get the mic and get on stage so you can make more, serve more and be more now…all without the complicated marketing techniques that make your head spin!




BONUS #1: Bring a friend for only $97!


I was thinking: What’s the one thing that could possibly make this 3-Day Speaker Boutique Bootcamp even juicier, more life-changing and more FUN?

Sharing it with a like-minded friend, colleague, member of your team or even your life-partner (yes, heart-centered guys are welcome too!) So I’m gifting you the chance to invite someone of your choice as your guest for only $97.

Use this option to grab a pal and split the expenses of the investment and even arrange to share your room if you choose ( money excuses  — POOF –gone!), have  personal support you can count on during and after the event, or simply gift someone you care about with an experience they will never forget. Just select the bring-a-friend option after checkout.

NOTE: Details on the “Bring A Friend” option are on the thank-you page you’ll see once you reserve your ticket.


BONUS #2: Speaker Boutique Bootcamp Guidebook (Value $97)


This juicy manual full of my very own tips and templates will also house your “aha” moments from your 3-day experience. It’s sure to become your bible for and roadmap for being seen, being heard, being YOU and making bank!



BONUS #3: Yoga and Wealth Consciousness Reprogramming (Value $97)


This is your opportunity to “go within” and process and integrate all you have learned in Days 1 and 2. I have found that getting still, centered and on purpose after all the excitement and stimulation of these days will allow you understand, receive and align with your new vision and wealth consciousness on a deep and cellular level. So the become not just nice ideas…they’re your new reality. This is a profound individual experience for you, as well as a way to  deepen your spiritual connection to your fellow attendees.

Spotlight “Pro Speak on Stage” Package!



 Featured 10 minute “Ted Talk Style” Speaker Spotlight  AT AMANDA’S SPEAKER BOUTIQUE BOOTCAMP! (Value: $5,000)

 Three-hour virtual group coaching intensive with me to practice your talk before the big day. You’ll feel prepared and step on stage and own the spotlight. (Value: $3,000)

 Receive professional photos from Amanda’s branding photographer Gillian Hunter of you speaking on stage which you can add to your speaker packet and repurpose in all of your online and offline marketing channels for years to come (Value: $2,000)

 Receive professional video of you speaking on stage from Amanda’s professional videographer. You can re- purpose this video for years to come in all of your marketing channels. (Value: $2, 500)

 On site event coaching from Amanda during the 3 day Speaker Boutique Bootcamp to support you in shining like the star you are! (Value: $1,000)

 GET VISIBLE MAKE BANK 4 week class to master your messaging, learn to sell and design your signature talk from a to z (Value: $2,500)

 Be automatically seen as the authority and instantly position yourself as the expert you are (Value: Priceless)


 You’ll receive laser coaching, accountability, feedback and connection form Amanda and the group in our private FB group. (Priceless)

  Receive 4 bring a friend tickets to the Speaker Boutique  Bootcamp! (Bring your partner, assistant, BFF, colleague, entrepreneur friends, clients etc!!) (Value: Priceless)

  Attend the Speaker Boutique Boot Camp October 26-28th, Park City Utah! 3 days to learn everything you need to know to Master Your Story, Unleash Your Voice and Open Your Heart to Receive Love, Cash and Clients!

 Amanda will coach you to rock the STAGE, get visible and and seriously up level your speaker professional status to the masses, my event and leap frog your business…

Dates and location: May 2017 in the gorgeous mountain town of Park City, Utah (located 20 minutes East of SLC, International Airport)

Total Value: 16,000


Your Investment:

Priced to sell out fast…

Pay in Full – $2,497

2 Payments of $1,397

3 Payments of $997

Still got questions? I hear you…

“But Amanda…”

Where do I fly into?

Fly into Salt Lake City, Utah International Airport. The New Park Hotel & Resort is Located New Park Resort and Hotel in Park City, Utah is located 25 minutes from the airport. You do NOT need to rent a car because the New Park hotel offers a resort shuttle to and from Salt Lake City, International Airport!

New Park Hotel and Resort
1476 Newpark Boulevard
Park City, Utah 84098

Plus! You get the special rate of $115 for a deluxe room or $159 for a suite with hot tub when you use the promo code “Amanda’s Event”

“I’m too busy to travel…”

Um…what exactly are you too busy AT? LOL!  If it’s not getting you the results you want, then you need to STOP doing what’s making you busy and START doing what will make you MONEY and freedom…like learning how to enroll your next 12 high-end clients which I will teach you in only 3 days! Isn’t your entrepreneurial freedom worth sacrificing a few days behind your computer?

“I have small children and I can’t leave them…”

Don’t play the “KID” card sister! LOL!  I used to do that too, and it always kept me stuck at home. You just can’t think this way if you want to reach your goals and dreams! For example, when I was nursing my babies I took them with me to all of the events I attended. I even flew from Hawaii to California on a red-eye with Phoebe when she was 6 weeks old for a speaking gig and networking at a live event. If you want to create what you have plastered all over your vision board, you have to be willing to stretch out of your comfort zone and JFDI! So no excuses please!

Instead, get creative. You can still bring your kids…just bring someone to watch them and make it a family trip. (Your kids will thank you later when you are ROCKING a biz and lifestyle that lets you spend lots more time with them! )

“But I live in Europe or Australia!”

I have clients from all over the world– Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK, Brazil, Canada, Hawaii and all over the US — and many of them have already booked their tickets! You deserve this retreat as much as they do! Make the decision to come and watch your life and biz transform before your very eyes. I can promise you, it’ll be well worth the trip.


But don’t wait too long… As the event gets closer, the price will go up so tune in, listen to you gut and grab your ticket now!

About Your Host: Amanda Moxley

I lead big hearted entrepreneurs on a mission with a vision to create soulful sell out profitable live events, workshops, retreats and speaking gigs so they can joyfully fill their coaching businesses in 72 hours or less! (While bonding with their tribe and making bank)

At a very young age, I knew I wanted a unique outside of the box life. I didn’t want some cookie cutter paint by numbers mediocre lame ass life. I’ve got a fiery spirit that wants to be wild and free, fun and frolicking skiing down big mountains and swimming in the Pacific.  At the same time, I’ve got this big deep Piscean/Libra/ Cancer soul that just wants to know everything about everyone and help people wake the F UP and transform from the core. I believe we have one life to live and you gotta live it full OUT.

The secret behind my success all of these years is that I love people deeply. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I can’t wait to know everything about YOU, your story, your message, your heart and your journey.

My gift to you is holding space for you to be YOU and share your message through speaking and shining your light both on stage and off stage.

When you are on stage, you feel seen, heard and witnessed. You get to have fun. Play with the energy. Own the room. Weave the energy of the room. Change lives and let people fall in love with you…

You get to be you and make bank.

My genius is tuning into you and your unique “seminar” story to find the GOLD, package it up, deliver it from a place of deep connection, joy and fun and from there I’ll teach you how to rock out your own profitable live events, workshops and retreats that earn at least 6 figures a pop.

I’m not a workaholic. I clock in around 18 hours of “work” a week. I’m not a fan of launching every week or hustling so hard that you look desperate and overly hungry.

I’m super into the law of attraction, been working that puppy since high school! My Dad used to say “Amanda you’ve got the luck of the Irish. You’ve kissed the blarney stone”. HA Nope, well maybe but I actually learned how to feel good, follow my heart, trust that LIFE is for me and wants to give me everything I desire. And so it is. AS is the same for you.

First you be it, then you receive it.

That said, my slogan in life and business is JFDI (just f’in do it) because life’s too short to sit on the side lines and wait to be saved or given permission. Success is yours to be CLAIMED. Ain’t no body gonna hand it to you. You gotta DESIRE it.

You can start today by being perfectly imperfectly you, showing up with a big heart to LET, not to GET anything!!

I’m the CEO of, I coach big hearted entrepreneurs on a mission with a vision to transform the consciousness of the planet with their service based businesses. I help you get visible, make bank, unleash your voice, open your heart to receive and speak your way to success.

I’ve got lots of degrees and certificates after my name but what I’m most proud of besides home birthing two big babies is that I have been an entrepreneur running a successful business  for over 12 years. I’ve slayed so many dragons, it’s not even funny. I’ve hit my personal rock bottom and climbed back up  and out to and claim my desires of freedom.  I’ve hosted over six 6 figure events. I’ve been featured on TV, print media and online media. I’m happily married to my soul man and partner in love Johnn.

I welcome you to my beloved home in the mountains of Utah and I can’t wait to see you live and give you a big hug in October!


Peace of Mind Guarantee

I know you’re going to love this live training event. Registering for this experience means you’re ready to take your business seriously. Take your registration just as seriously. If you attend the entire first day and decide the event isn’t the right fit, you can request a full refund with no cancellation fee.

We want you to experience the joy, clarity and transformation of Speaker Boutique Bootcamp! That means being there with me among like-minded woman and men who want to transform their lives and businesses. To benefit everyone, refund for the 3 day Speaker Boutique Bootcamp 3 day event can only be requested by 8:00am on the second day of the event. If you are not happy after the first day, your ticket will be refunded.

Copyright © 2017 All Rights Reserved.

Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer: (My lawyer makes me write this!) Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and it’s potential. Any claims made of actual business changes or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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