Jenny Fenig

Spiritual Business Coach

Jenny Fenig, creator of the Get Gutsy movement, is a mentor to spiritually-driven coaches, healers and creatives saying YES to building powerhouse businesses online.

The sacred mission of Jenny’s courses, best-selling book, podcast, and coach certification school is: how to touch more lives with your message and cash in on your calling.®

After a successful corporate career in New York City, Jenny quit her 6-figure job to do what she was put on this planet to do: coach gutsy leaders to rise to their next level.

In 2015, she founded Get Gutsy Coach Training School to empower the next generation of coaches to make a difference and a great living.

She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and three children who make the journey sweet … and a little wild.

Visit Jenny at

Sacred Marketing Puzzle // PDF Guide


Smart marketing leads to consistent cash flow. When you understand the sacred marketing tools that are available, you can provide huge value to your tribe AND grow your business at the same time (awesome!).

Jenny Fenig created this beautiful 1-page guide called “Your Sacred Marketing Puzzle” to simplify the often mysterious and confusing world of marketing. You have what it takes to connect with your tribe, grow your list, and spread your big message once you stop taking the hard road!

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