Are YOU Ready to Finally Step into and EXPERIENCE
Being Seen, Being Heard, Being YOU and Making Bank
as a Speaker in the Spotlight Sharing Your STORY
and changing LIVES…
in just 3 Unforgettable Days?

 October 26-28th, 2017 in gorgeous Park City, Utah

When you are on stage, you feel seen, heard and witnessed. You get to have fun. Play with the energy. Own the room. Weave the energy of the room. Change lives and let people fall in love with you…

You get to be you and make bank.

  • But if you’re hiding behind your computer, wasting away on social media in your basement, money can’t see you, clients can’t feel you or connect with you or HIRE you and you stay frustrated feeling like the best-kept secret
  • Being LIVE (on stage or video) is electrifying!
  • It collapses the know like and trust factor.
  • It weeds out the non-ideal clients.
  • It magnetizes the perfect clients to you by YOU being you.

If you love people, have a big heart and you want to help then you need to use speaking and the power of connection to 10X your business this year.

I want to teach you my secrets to powerfully connecting, being vulnerable, hooking in your tribe with your signature talk style and “seminar story”.

I’ve been in business since 2005 within my first year I was making 40k to 50k which wasn’t bad considering all I ever made before that was around 17k a year.

Here’s what I did:

1. My focus was to help and serve people and help them transform and claim their dreams

2. I leaned on my LOVE for them and the connection I felt for them and how I saw them, I held a big vision for who they are and I saw them in a way they did not see themselves ( I did this as a Bikram Yoga Instructor. I taught 6-10 classes a week to classes of 20 to 50 people. They fell in love with me, I fell in love with them.

3. I created several signature talks and shared them locally and online

4. I filled my coaching practice and got to work with clients

Then I moved everything online once my first baby was home water birthed in 2009.

BUT I felt invisible online.
I missed the power of connection I had live.
I did not feel seen or heard and I certainly was not getting paid.

I constantly compared myself to everyone else online.
I haunted every free class looking for the magic bullet.
I hired the big coaches, did the big programs.

I started doing videos and teleclasses and it took a long time to get clients online.

I worked behind the scenes on my business. Building out the branding, developing high-end packages, hosting telesummits, having sales calls, hustling, working hard.

Then, I got asked to speak in California at a few events from women I met online. 

One of which, I had no script or flow, I just showed up and deeply connected with my heart and my passion for how much I loved them and wanted them to feel loved and worthy of receiving the money they wanted in their biz.



I openly cried. I was vulnerable. Real. Raw. 100% Amanda.

The result, 10k clients signing up with ease (even to this day, women I met from that event fell in LOVE with me and my heart and knew my heart was the gift they needed in their business to help them POP to their next level.)

And of course, they saw my lightning success and knew I could teach them my strategies and how to’s.

Being on stage automatically positions you as the expert, the BIG cheese.

Your credibility goes through the roof.

This is why you gotta get on stage, baby!

Once I had a taste of being on stage at a BIG event, I wanted to host my own. 

Fast forward 18 months, I was standing on my stage with my tribe of 80 women at my first ever live event on my home turf. 

I’ve hosted six 6 figure + events since 2013. So you’re probably at the point where you’ve been at a zillion events and networking events. You’ve eaten the rubber chicken and your ass has fallen asleep from SITTING and watching some other expert on stage woo the crowd and make bank. 

So you’re probably at the point where you’ve been at a zillion events and networking events. You’ve eaten the rubber chicken and your ass has fallen asleep from SITTING and watching some other expert on stage woo the crowd and make bank. 

And you’re sitting there bored as shit because you’ve heard it all, seen it all and YOU want to JUMP on that STAGE. Grab the MIC and OWN the ROOM with YOUR heart, your message, YOUR love, your STORY, your fun personality, passion and power. 

Am I right or am I right? 


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