I’m loving teaching the free Body Barrier teleseminar series. It feels so good to reach out to all of you every week and speak about this very important topic.

Women are waking up and realizing that the negativity of hating and obsessing about their bodies and food is NO way to have the body of their dreams.  We’re starting a movement!

Uncovering the root of self-worth, body image, food and money has been very healing and revealing for all us.  I have caught on to such a greater vision for helping women.

When a woman stops being self obsessed and self critical she is FREE to expand into her potential and help so many more women along the way.

It’s fun getting way out of your comfort zone and out of your own way and to watch the miracles and magic.

I believe in miracles.
Who would you be if you knew you couldn’t fail?

I believe in you.

P.S. Here’s a cool video of Christina and I during the above photo shoot in the tutu on the beach!

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