I didn’t start this journey for the money. I started as a Bikram yoga teacher, and as a budding cognitive behavioral therapist and a lover of adventure and travel who then became an entrepreneur when I started my business as a health coach 11 years ago.

I remember the first time I heard of another health coach who was selling a 15k GROUP coaching program.


Mouth agape.

Could NOT fathom it.

Mind blown.

Back then, I was selling a 3k totally private six month coaching 1:1 program in which my clients were receiving through the roof results from (circa 2009).

It was a paradigm shift for me.

I was indoctrinated into the world of high touch, high end coaching. I was already doing the high touch coaching in fact my programs were live and in person in my office and included cooking classes, farmer’s market and health food store tours.

I was booked solid with 22 clients, speaking around town & teaching 6 hot Bikram yoga classes a week.

The part I was missing was the fearless high end selling.

Perhaps you’re missing that piece right now too?

At the root of your lack of sales and income is a deep seated belief that you are not worthy.

(I cringe too when coaches talk about this! It’s so annoying because, aren’t we all worthy because we exist? And God forbid you wouldn’t want to admit that YOU don’t feel worthy. How embarrassing!)

I know.

But you gotta address that sucker if you wanna get rich and make a difference and claim your income goals.

It’s time for you to step into Fearless High End Selling and Receive what YOU say you want.

That’s why I’m so excited for my next biz and money training call on September 20, 2016 called

“‘Why You’re SO Worth It — Fearless High End Selling from the Soul

  • Amanda’s best mindset techniques to help you FEEL, know & claim your worth (FINALLY!)
  • Why selling high end is actually EASIER than chasing bargain-basement clients
  • How to value, price and package your services to create a double blessing for you and your clients (and everyone leaves the call feeling GREAT!)

  • A simple 3 step process you can use today to fearlessly sell high end starting NOW (even if you think you can’t!)

It’s time for a paradigm shift.

See you there!

Don’t even thinking about missing this one!



P.S. My story ends well. After blowing my mind about fearless high end selling, I’ve since gone on to sell and receive over 1 million dollars in my business since my paradigm shift. Now it’s your turn. 🙂


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