How’s your February going?  On Friday, I attended a 1 day event with a Billionaire coach named JT Foxx. I took copious notes to share with you thinking you would love to learn these nuggets!

Here ya go!

  1. Be the AUTHORITY in your market. Experts look up to the AUTHORITY. Confidence sales- seriously OWN IT. This guy was extremely cocky/arrogant/confident and SOLD on himself, his results and his brand.

  • 25% of people will like you
  • 25% won’t like you
  • 25% want to like you
  • 25% will never like you

2. On being an entrepreneur

You as entrepreneurs CAN change the world
YOU can create your own economy

3. When you host an event, registered attendees means nothing. He had 1,319 registered for the Utah event, 688 people confirmed via email and phone and 186 showed up. This is why you have to reach more people and clarify the exact problem you help your clients solve.

Event Show UP Rates

  1. Average show up rate is 12-14% in most states in the USA
  2. Bigger cities where everyone goes, less people show up
  3. Go to places where NO ONE goes (think Iceland, Oahu, Wisconsin!)
  4. Europe show up rate is 18%-22%
  5. Asia show up rates 44%-46%

Side note for Americans, if you make money in Europe (Euros) you can legally keep your money there and NOT pay taxes!!

4. Marketing and Knowing Your Topic

It needs to be SPECIFIC and tangible and exactly what your client/ niche is struggling with.
If you have to explain it and educate them YOU LOSE THEM! (Ie Self Love Coach/ Self Mastery Coach what does that really mean?)

How can you be more specific in your marketing so that it’s SIMPLE?

There are 4 main niches:

  • Wealth and Money
  • Health and Wellness
  • Relationships
  • Broken Wing niche (addictions etc.) This is a much harder niche to enroll to buy programs and products. Let them get help first and then come into the specific niche you serve with the specific problem you solve.


(Side note from Amanda, I see a ton of women entrepreneurs who are excellent at what they do as a coach/mentor absolutely FAIL in the marketing department. If you want to help more people and make a successful and thriving income as a coach you need to NAIL your niche and SOLVE a specific problem.)

For example, in my first business as a health coach, I created a program called “The Beautiful Woman Emerging Program” 1 person signed up and then asked for a refund. But when I rolled out my Fit, Fab and Fierce Release Up to 50 lbs in 5 Months program. I sold 6 spots in a 5k program very FAST. If you want help with this email then email me and we can talk!

When you create a program- you need to tell people tangible, real, substantial results and they need to know how much they will need to change.

5. Results SELL!!

You want to use case stories. success stories, testimonials to show people what you can do for them… he did this relentlessly non-stop.

Work really hard to get your clients and students epic success.

You build an empire on RENEWALS!

6. When you are well branded you can charge premium.

Why go B list, when you can go A list. He uses celebrity endorsements and celebrity association to help increase his brand value. He adds value to his offers by adding celebrity associations.

7. As a transformational coach, you do not sell TIME, you sell VALUE.

Think of a surgeon, you pay for the results after the end of surgery not for a surgeon’s TIME!! If the surgery was scheduled for 6 hours and it only took 2 hours, you don’t ask the Doctor to refund you for the time not used.

The more valuable YOU are, the more money you make.

  8. Strategically seeding your offers SELLS fast.

He did a ton of seeding his offer and making people HUNGRY for his offer. “I am looking for the next best 10 speakers”. It was like he was looking for the BEST and of course everyone wants to be picked. This created DESIRE in the mind of the buyer. Plus he backed it up with MEGA results from his clients.

  9. Branding and Exclusivity

How can you add in more exclusivity to your business and brand?

How can you create a bigger BUZZZ for your programs that your ideal clients are foaming at the mouth to GET NOW?

How can you improve your position and pre-qualify your ideal clients more in your messaging?

People BUY YOU.

People BUY your story.

The biography of your life sells.

Brand YOU.

10. Successful people make decisions FAST!

3 questions to ask yourself when considering a purchase

  1. What’s the BEST thing that can happen?
  2. What’s the WORST case scenario?
  3. What’s the most likely case scenario?

Train yourself and your clients to make a decision NOW.

98% of people who say they need to think about it, are a NO!

  11. You are the BRAND.

You are the coach

Start acting like they need YOU

You don’t need them!!

And that is what I learned from a billionaire coach on Friday.

Tell me, what out of these nuggets of wisdom WILL you put into place in YOUR business now?



P.S. It’s time for you to seriously RISE UP in your business and life. Your future self is waiting for you! JFDI (Just f’in do it!!)

P.P.S. I have hand selected today’s leading experts who are making 100k – 2 Million+ a year to share their strategies to help you grow your business online and offline through speaking, hosting events, retreats, workshops, live streaming, lead generation and list building to impact millions and make millions! JOIN US & GET YOUR FREE SEAT HERE!

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