Women: do you feel heavy, both physically and emotionally, when you think about your body and your life?

What if you could head into 2012 happier, healthier, more  energized …and up to 50 pounds lighter?

Face it. 2012 is here!

What will your body and life look and feel like when it's over?

That part's 100% up to YOU. 

What if I told you that starting very soon, you could get the information, support and accountability and do the all-important inner work that would allow you release up to 50 poundsand the emotional baggage that comes with it…all in just 5 months?

Impossible?  Not for the women who will be joining me in my new program: FIT FAB & FIERCE™ in 5 MONTHS – starting March 2012!

I am SO excited to be leading this intimate 5-month program, in which I will personally coach  10 women as they:

  • envision and commit to their dream lives
  • learn delicious, healthy and joyful new ways to nourish and energize their bodies and their souls
  • release up to 50 pounds
  • support each other through their journeys
  • and totally transform their bodies -- and their lives!!

What's so  different about this program?

My Fit Fab & Fierce™ in 5 Months program is based on the knowledge that you are a spiritual being having a material experience.

If your body is out of balance and holding onto extra weight…it is telling you something. It's  a sign from your soul that you are out of alignment with your divine design.

The truth is, you were born to live at your ideal weight: energized, alive, happy and free. It's not your natural state to feel exhausted, bloated, run down, sick, congested.

If you feel this way, your problem isn't that you're fat, lazy or undisciplined. The real problem is that you're stuck in a body that does not match your spirit.  Once you heal and connect with your spirit, in a feminine way, your body naturally and joyfully comes into alignment with it.

Tara Alred"Amanda has helped me change a few decades of beliefs in six months.  This journey with Amanda has been invaluable.  She has given me the tools to continue making progress and feeling joy and peace in my life.  Amanda has helped me learn how to love and appreciate myself.  I have lost 20 pounds working with Amanda and I feel amazing!  My cravings and self criticism are gone.  When I walk by a mirror I no longer see the flaws in my body I now smile and acknowledge the amazing person I am.  If I make the choice to eat something sweet or processed I no longer beat myself up over it.  Amanda has taught me how to bring balance and peace into my world.  I am happy and confident that I will continue to be successful.  Thanks Amanda!"

Tara Alred, Salt Lake City, Utah


Molly Jack“Through my work with Amanda, I not only made strides in my weight loss goals, but I gained a better understanding of how my state of mind and my relationships with others affects my relationship with food. Amanda helped me stop judging my food as good or bad, but instead motivated me, to make choices that left me feeling energized and in control. She is both honest and empathetic in her approach and is truly a pleasure to work with.”

Molly Jack, Attorney
Manhattan, New York, USA


Rebecca Clayton“I just wanted to tell Amanda, thank you for this wonderful experience. I have never felt happier or more energized in my life. I have to be honest, I was a little skeptical at first as to how well this was going to work for me or if I would be able to give up dairy and sweets for a month. I also was at my wits end with food, stuck at a certain weight, working out everyday and I knew something needed to change, I guess it was me. I found the whole experience was completely refreshing and Amanda was easy going and non-judgmental.

I lost about 15lbs total so I'm around 125 and it feels pretty good to me but I'm not as concerned about the weight as much as being healthy and happy, although I haven't seen that weight since my early college late high school years. I'm also addicted to salads, I try and have at least one a day. It's funny, people at my work have started eating healthier too just by being around me and watching me, they also tell me how good I look.

My husband is really open to the new foods I've been cooking and he loves the way I look. Everything I imagined for myself at the beginning of the cleanse came true, I feel stronger, more powerful and more confident. Now I'm just focusing on continuing to be a healthier happier me.”

Rebecca Clayton
Salt Lake City, Utah USA

Why do we  say to "release" weight   instead of "lose" it?

Amanda BeforeBecause the words we speak to our souls matter.

When you try to "lose" weight, you're fighting to escape something that's determined to stick with you. (And even if you succeed, it can always "find" you again! ) When you release weight, you simply give back what is no longer yours and allow your light to fully shine.

You discover and acknowledge that YOU have the power to simply open your hands and your heart and let it all go: 

  • the unwanted fat
  • those negative beliefs
  • the habits that don't support and love you…

Losing weight is hard. Releasing it the way I will show you is easy. Even joyful.

Yeah, I know it sounds a little woo-woo. But it's not.  I could tell you how it worked for me when I released 45 pounds after my baby was born. OR you could just ask the hundreds of women I've coached through their own body transformations, just like I will with you in this amazing program.  

"Can't I just do this on my own?"

MY answer to that is, how has that been working for you so far? If you're reading this, I'm guessing that you've tried the diets, the exercise plans, books…but you're still unhappy with the body and life you've got.

It's not your fault.  It's not even the fault of the diet or exercise plans you chose.

The fact is that no plan or food combination can give you the kind of support and accountability you need to make this big shift in your life…and none of them addresses the root soul causes of your body issues.  It's like putting a Band-Aid on a big wound. No wonder 90% of dieters are back where they started (or worse) within a year.


How this program will work for you where others have failed:

Real transformation requires inner work. And In the Fit Fab & Fierce program, we'll concentrate on all of those essentials that those plans leave out.

We'll address your mindset, your conscious and unconscious limiting beliefs, and your relationship with food and your body. You'll transform from the inside out, not just on the surface. 

Of course, this isn't magic. 
You will have to address the way you eat.
And you'll have to move.

But don't worry -- that's why you'll also get a customized, delicious, easy-to-follow "YUM Diet", personally designed by me for you, based on my years of expertise in nutrition.

And together, we'll design a customized body transformation plan to get your wonderful body moving in a way that makes YOU feel great.

But it's all the foundational inner work (I call it "innercize"), plus the support and accountability built into the program, that will make these food and exercise plans so much more effective than ANYTHING you may have tried before.

Here's what you won't get in the Fit, Fab & Fierce™  in 5 Months Program

  • No meal plan that you must follow to the letter and feel like you screwed up if you make a mistake
  • No tyranny from the scale, the caliper or the measuring tape
  • No rubber chicken, cardboard crackers or protein shakes         
  • No crazy, unbalanced fad diets
  • No extreme cleanses
  • No drugs, chemicals or synthetic "meal substitutes"

Here's what you WILL get:

  • A vivid vision of your ideal body and life that will draw you to it like a magnet
  • A clear plan of action you can easily follow step by step
  • built-in accountability from an expert coach and a supportive group
  • nutritional guidance that makes sense and tastes better than what you're probably eating now
  • Blood analysis lab work to determine your unique food sensitivities
  • And so much more!


  • 1 welcome/getting started call – your food and body journey with Amanda
  • 3 live group coaching calls  each month for 5 months (15 total calls) with the mp3 downloads available for you within 24 hours of the live call, for you to listen to again and again!  For the first 30-45 minutes, I’ll be teaching you, leading you step-by-step through the course content. Then, we’ll open the line for you to ask questions, get feedback and receive laser coaching and clarity to keep you successfully on track with the topic assignments. These calls are high content coaching calls rich in value, inspiration and motivation -- and they’re fun too! You’re going to love it!
  • Food Sensitivities Testing and Profile - This test can change your life. Food sensitivities can occur at any age, triggering many different symptoms such as gas and bloating, skin issues, fatigue, anxiety and weight gain.  (You may be shocked at what this test will reveal about the effects certain foods have been having on you without your even knowing it!) Value: $497
  • Private "YOU-trition" call with Amanda !  Based upon your results, we’ll customize your unique "Prescription for Radiance"  I’ll guide and support you through the emotional, mental and logistical aspects of handling your unique food sensitivities.Value: $297
  • Your Exclusive “Fit, Fab and Fierce” Guidebook  This power-packed manual – sent to you electronically 2 days before our live group calls begin -- is chock-full of Amanda's delicious recipes, unique and thought provoking assignments,  fun and useful nutrition facts, blank sheets for reflection, the “Fit, Fab and Fierce Quiz” and juicy questions to assist you on your journey.  The information, wisdom and activities you'll get in this one tool will take your food, body and lifestyle to the next starting right now. And you'll return to it as a valuable resource for years to come.
  • Your “Fit, Fab and Fierce” Specialized Journal. This resource alone is worth your entire investment in this program.

    I’ve created the perfect interactive journal for your 5-month journey to help you listen to, honor, trust and respect your beautiful body. What you will learn about yourself from experiencing this powerful resource has the capacity to transform your entire relationship with your food and body. (Don’t worry, you will not be recording everything you eat! This is not a "food diary", but something totally unique, motivating and inspiring!) You’re going to love it.
  • The “Fit, Fab and Fierce” Weekly Quiz.  Every week, you’ll assess your body confidence using my eye-opening quiz, designed to help you see where you are compared to where you want to be and then help you take decisive action in the direction of your heart's desires. Regularly checking in on your progress will inspire you to stay on target with your Big Bold Juicy Goal and Vision.
  • Monthly accountability tracking forms to record your progress, refine your goals and go after your dreams in a measurable way.
  • An environment of amazing women: They'll not only inspire you, by "going for it" in every area of their lives, but they believe in you and see you as your best self, your highest potential – so you can too. It's said that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. When you meet regularly and have the support of high-level friends like these, you will be unstoppable!
  • Membership in the Private Fit, Fab and Fierce Forum.   All through your journey, you'll nurture a strong connection to an exclusive tribe” of women in this members-only online community. It's your safe haven, to share your intentions, goals, recipes, get support and be held accountable to your vision and action plan!
  • WELCOME KIT delivered to your home and online, including:
    • Food Sensitivities Lab Kit to test for over 60 food allergens
    • Amanda Moxley’s 2 raved about e-books
    • Specialized food and body journal format sheets
    • The Wheel of Transformation
    • And so much more!
    • You’ll also receive a Complimentary Pass into the 21 Day Body, Mind and Spirit Cleanse Program

      All for a total Value: $497


Claim Your Spot

Want ALL the  juicy details? Here's your  roadmap for each month of your Fit Fab & Fierce™ in 5 Months</em> Program!

Month # 1: Release the Fat That’s Holding YOU Back

We'll kick off the program this month by assessing where you are now,  and designing your personalized roadmap for getting where you want to be.

  • Get a full detailed food sensitivities assessment, and a private phone session with Amanda where she'll analyze your results and customize a plan for you based on your unique food sensitivities.
  • Know where you're headed: Amanda leads you through a guided visualization to meet your future fit, fab and fierce self in your new beautiful radiant body
  • Identify your #1 big bold JUICY goal for our 5 months together and share it with the group (this is really FUN!)
  • Chunk your big bold JUICY goal down to easy baby steps to joyfully manifest your vision
  • Make your vision come to life with Amanda's step-by-step specialized Vision Map process

Month # 2: Get to the SOUL Root of Emotional Eating and LET GO

Connect with your spirit through you your breath this month to tap into your inner wisdom and energy. And starting this month, 50% of what you eat will be delicious, nutritious, real whole, organic food from the earth.

  • I’ll teach you several different pranayama breathing exercises for energizing you in the morning, rejuvenating you in the afternoon and relaxing you in the evening so you sleep like a baby. (NOTE: Learning how to consciously breathe is one of the very best skills I can teach you. Fear, anxiety, doubts, worries, etc. can NOT live in an oxygenated body. Giving yourself one month to breathe may be the best gift you’ve ever received. It will add quality years to your life,  as well as happiness, peace and unbounded clarity and freedom. And breathing's FREE! ) 
  • Get 22 of my secret most powerful tips to help you eliminate emotional eating forever
  • Learn good vs. bad cravings and how to eliminate food addictions
  • Detox your body: I’ll lead you through a potent 4 day rejuvenating living foods cleanse to release toxins, excess weight, negative emotions and limiting beliefs while uplifting and energizing your entire being -- your Spirit will soar!
  • Declutter your life: Inspired by your cleanse, you'll let go of the “old you” and give the “new you” space to manifest. You’ll go on a de-cluttering, cleansing mission of your house, car, office, kitchen, closets etc. This process is unbelievably energizing and liberating!
  • Ramp up your exercise (joyful movement) with a customized body transformation exercise plan

Month # 3: Stop Self Sabotaging with Food Forever to Release what is no longer yours

This month that takes you through the halfway point, you get extra support from your circle to stay the course. 70% of your food this month will be delicious, nutritious, real whole, organic food from the earth.

  • Receive expertise on how nourishing yourself optimally and satisfyingly while going through this incredible process. (Unlike people who don't have the proper training and knowledge to stick with a program like this, you will have expert guidance and the support of your coach and your community so you can keep going and finish confidently. You will not be alone!)
  • Learn why becoming aware of the energy centers in your body will transform your energy and kick start your new body and life
  • Ramp up your exercise (joyful movement) with your customized body transformation plan
  • Learn the #1 most important action step you must take to nourish your spirit so that you can be a channel for your life’s purpose and passion!

Month # Four: Reprogram Your Mind in order to Manifest the Body of Your Dreams

Get ready for a big breakthrough as we move into the Love Your Body module. This month is all about shifting the negative body image you may be clinging to (even from adolescence!) and align yourself with your Vision of your beautiful body. By now your body "temple" will already feel so much cleaner and freer.  80% of your food this month will be delicious, nutritious alive whole food.

  • Learn how to reprogram your mind and my 3 step secret personalized process to manifest the body of your dreams,
  • Discover which foods lower your vibration and more importantly which foods raise your vibration to tap into infinite energy, peace and total body confidence
  • Learn the top 10 best Super Foods you must be eating to saturate your cells with essential and often missing micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
  • Ramp up your exercise (joyful movement) with a customized body transformation exercise plan
  • I’ll lead you through a body and life changing “love your body” guided visualization that will unlock years of body hate and set you on track to fully embracing the body of your dreams. (This dramatic shift in thought and feeling focus will allow your true essence to shine. Unwanted excess weight will melt away effortlessly.  You’ll feel lighter, happier, and stronger --  more at ease in your body than you can ever remember!)
  • You’ll create a 60 day "Holiday-proof" action plan to get you through the end-of-year fesitivities and into 2012 feeling radiantly beautiful, alive, energized and focused on your Fit, Fab and Fierce Vison.

Month # Five: The final frontier.. Claiming your GOAL!

  • Create your personalized “Yum Diet” and love your food while you love your body!
  • Learn how to eat during social situations, holidays and while traveling, so you can enjoy yourself while you support yourself.
  • Discover your own individualized “Prescription for Radiance” and have unwavering confidence in knowing which foods make you feel radiantly alive, energized and free!
  • Master the ability to get unstuck instantly and get powerfully back on track before any damage is done
  • Eliminate sabotaging “all or none” thinking using my personal customized technique
  • Take stock and celebrate how far you’ve come…and be WOWED by the increase in your total body confidence score on my secret Fit, Fab and Fierce Quiz

Can you already see why you will NOT be the same person after this experience??

And as if all that were not enough…you'll also receive this Incredible Bonus!

Antoinette CabralYour Bonus  Embrace a Female Sensual Lifestyle! 

My  sensational and sensual friend, Antoinette Cabral, empowers women to ATTRACT THE RIGHT MAN by embracing a FEMALE SENSUAL LIFESTYLE.

In this complimentary bonus session she wwill empower you to become magnetic, mysterious and simply irresistible to a man! FREE 1 hour coaching session valued at $250!! 

What's the investment for this incredible, life-changing program?

Here's an even better question: If you know what to do, but you're just not doing it…if you've tried every diet on the market…if struggling on your own just isn't working…

Ask yourself: Are you going  to allow yourself to start ANOTHER year with the body and life that you're living with now?

 If you're finally done with all that, and ready to make a real change starting NOW, invest in yourself and enroll in the experience of a lifetime!

The Fit Fab and Fierce Basic Program

Payment Plan

$1,197 monthly payment plan
( 5 monthly payments of $1,197.00 )


Best Deal

FULL PAY: $4,997 (Best deal!)

Still have questions?
Let's talk! CLICK HERE to schedule a free exploratory session with Amanda where she'll answer all your questions and help you decide if the Fit Fab and Fierce program is right for you!


Want even more one-on-one attention?

VIP Package Upgrade

Upgrade to the personal package with Amanda as your mentor and guide!

Includes everything in the Fit Fab and Fierce in 5 Months program, PLUS:

  • 2 FULL Day LIVE Private VIP Instensive Days (Value $6,000)
  • 5 Sixty minute PRIVATE calls (Value: $2,400)

Payment Plan

PAYMENT PLAN: $6,500 deposit,
then $1,897 per month for 5 months


Best Deal

FULL PAY: $13,997 (Best deal!)

Amanda MoxleyI can't wait to take this amazing journey with you!

In Love and Radiance,

About Amanda…

Amanda Moxley is a body transformation coach and expert whose first successful client was herself - taking her own body from a size 14 to a size 4 by transforming her unhealthy relationship with food.  

From there she achieved massive success helping other women transform their bodies in her own thriving holistic health coaching practice that exploded to 6 figures in only months.  

Now an award-winning business owner featured in magazines, Amanda has become a sought-after nutrition expert for TV and print media.  

Recently, Amanda saw another way she could serve: she expanded beyond body transformation, and now coaches other heart-centered women entrepreneurs on creating and marketing a solo business around their own big vision, taking it to 6 figures in 6 months.