The adventure continues here in Hawaii. This week, I met up again with my friend Dana Mermaid and some other close friends on the Big Island for a dolphin swim take two! Yes, Phoebe came too! Here’s a picture of all of us on the boat. Being with good friends is healing for the soul. Belly laughter explodes into your heart and keeps you in your joy zone and out of your head. Try it today!

While working with my clients, one of the common themes in the commitment to transforming both your body and your money story is about leaving “the tribe”. The road to being a Lean Loving Money Making Machine can be lonely and scary because you are trailblazing NEW territory. I totally get it but it must be done! This week’s feature video features my fellow entrepreneur soul sister, Natalie Kling who I met up with this weekend on our dolphin adventure.  I hope it inspires you!

Have a wonderful weekend! Be open to receiving more and more love and abundance.

Love and Radiance,


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